Federal University

Posted by adminNY on March 14, 2018

From this law the amount of professors in the areas of artistic education grew and basically it forced creation of courses technician and graduation and until after-graduation to regularize the formation of the such professors. NY museums often addresses the matter in his writings. According to Maura Penna (P. 124-125) ' ' The traditional standard of education in music, of technician-professionalizing character was kept without great alterations to a large extent of the specialized schools? bacharelados and conservatrios.' ' This affirmation means to say that in these specialized schools and university where if they form the professors of music and musical education they presented in its resumes contents, methods, at last, disciplines that they were not adjusted for the education of music in the traditional schools, therefore aimed at the formation of instrumentistas mainly. In $fortaleza the reality was not different. Many schools and courses had appeared to supply these educational gaps. In the last quatros years the State and Federal Universities of the Cear come rethink the education and the musical formation of its courses.

In prominence we can cite the Course of Licenciatura in Musical education of the Federal University of the Cear in which it was created to take care of mainly to this existing imbalance between the traditional school and the university, between the technician and the instructor, the musician and the formador. Today, in the city of $fortaleza the professors, instrumentistas, technician in music and specialists are formed and permitted to act in the Brazilian market. The schools, conservatories and universities that develop this formador paper in the city will be presented in the next page through a picture that relates formation X institution as well as presents the level and the time where the professional of music will have to be formed. In accordance with Keith Swanwick (p.58) ' ' The specific method of education is not so important how much our perception of what music is or what it faz.' ' 3,1 Formation of the Musician in $fortaleza: Schools and Institutions.


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