Google Adwords

Posted by adminNY on October 05, 2018

A simple Google search, will give us an idea how many products equal to ours are being sold. If you want to be more specific it is just a matter of placing double quotes in the word or words that you are looking for to know with accuracy the number of searches being made of this product and how much competition have. Enter one or several pages of those products that we can compete, it would be an excellent idea to see what they are doing and see the same way in which we can improve it. Optimize page target seen all this, we have a clearer idea of what we want to do and came the time to prepare our page for visitors. If you still didn’t you site well optimized, it is time to begin. Thinks that Google Adwords is very demanding in what refers to the target page and required minimums that must be met. -Clarity on what sells – that advertise must have a direct relationship with final – page customer who enters such a page has to do what these announcing – navigation of the page should be easy – identify what and who is selling is very important – access to means of payment and easeamenities – clarity of information exposed what is sold to optimize their ads placed several keywords within the ad is ideal, provided that match the keywords of our site, among other things because come considerably down payment which we do by clicking done. Not sent to its customers for its home page send your visits to the home page is not a good idea, inter alia because the pages start them they tend to be very general and what matters here is focus the customer on a particular page that determines a product or particular service not despiste customer and concentrate on what you’re selling. Accompany the statistics a campaign without follow-up may never have effect, let us not forget that what we want is conversion so the best thing is to keep track of how our efforts are going to control the maximum if our work is giving us the results we expect, use Google Analytics you can recommend the Clickbank secret, a wonderful tutorial in what refers to Google Adwords campaigns and earn money with affiliate programs. Original author and source of the article.


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