Strategical Planning

Posted by adminNY on June 13, 2018

Many people are managers or enterprising, proprietors of some type of business, but few know the real importance of basic basic tools a business to prosper and to have long life. Great part of the entrepreneurs comes of formation technique and they do not possess profile to act in the area business-oriented, what it results in failure of the companies. We can analyze three small examples of company as engineering, law or medical doctor’s office, where its proprietors are trained and qualified people to work in professions specific techniques and not in the business-oriented development and management. Second research carried through for the Sebrae institute of So Paulo, the end of the activities of these companies not only has a negative repercussion in the market, but also in the life of the entrepreneur, in consequncia of the financial losses and problems of auto-they esteem. The study it points that about 78% of the entrepreneurs who are forced to lock up its business had lost part or everything what was invested, and only 23% of them recoup had lost it to everything.

It sees to follow with more details which are the factors more common than they cause the closing of the micron and small companies. Six factors 1) Absence of an enterprising behavior the enterprising characteristics (knowledge, abilities and attitudes of the entrepreneur) had presented a small improvement in accordance with the study, but still they need better to be worked. The participation in courses on empreendedorismo is one of the recommendations that can make all the difference in the hour to manage the proper business. 2) Absence of a previous planning adjusted Lack of planning before the opening of the business is one of the factors most decisive in the success or failure of micron and small companies. The participation in courses is also important in this question.


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