
6 Keys For An Effective Landing Page

Posted by adminNY on October 15, 2015
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First of all if you are an infoempresario, a trader, an artist, a public employee who has recently found on the internet a means to promote yourself this article is for you, I want you to read it and put all your attention to concepts that I try from this moment, I will introduce a concept that you’ll see much in the Internet business industry. It is a very important concept when it comes to building your list of prospects, through the people interested in what you offer, and those who enjoy your creations, your music, your writing and your ideas. I want you to know that before you build a list with success you must focus on having a page of capture, well known as a landing page or Landing Page, where the sole aim will be to capture the attention of your visitors, get their name and email address. In terms more goals, the only thing we want is that this page has power conversion, i.e., that for a certain amount of visitors, a percentage of them leave you your details and become part you list of new prospects. We will conceptualize is a Landing Page, is the Web page that a visitor reaches after clicking on a PPC advertisement, in a banner, an article, or a chart, i.e. are the target of an advertising campaign pages. Were to do you ask you why you do not go directly to a sales letter? It is very simple if a person isn’t really interested in what your offer simply close the page and there will never be this visitor for you, i.e. your never know, who has visited your sales page, opposite phenomenon when your visitor arrives at a Landing Page, which is specialized to convert these visitors into prospects, will have the probability that the visitor before closing this pageleave you your information and become a part of your list of prospects, complying with your big goal of creating a list of subscribers, where you with an email marketing campaign, have tried of convert this prospect to customer.

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