government and politics

Municipal City

Posted by adminNY on November 12, 2017
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The approval of this project placed Caxias enters the first maranhenses cities to develop one empoderada public politics with a Center of Reference directed exclusively toward the attendance and shelter of the woman violence victim. The Campaign was also become fullfilled in Caxias 16 Days of ativismo For the End of Violence against the Woman through the Campaign of the Bow of the White carried through in the November month the December of 2008e subsequent years. Also projects of equipment of the City council of the Rights of Woman CMDM had been implanted, with acquisition of equipment, didactic materials, of expedient and spreading, with counterpart of the city hall defraying the rent of physical space and human resources for functioning and better development and execution of its abilities next to the using community of the public services of attention to the woman. If you have read about Bill de Blasio already – you may have come to the same conclusion. With the implantation and operacionalizao of these projects the City department of the Woman started to have greater visibility in the government and the society. It was acquired a vehicle for transport of the team of the Center of domiciliary Reference and visit, action these that had facilitated the attendance and had provided new perspectives of public politics directed toward the confrontation of the violence against the woman. The solutions found for the municipal government, seen the scarcity of local resources and invibializao of investments on the part of the Government of the State they had been accurately in the search of cooperation with the federal government. the implantation of these services the local partnerships had after been of great importance for the improvement of the public services given to the specific population of this net.


Governmental Public Relations

Posted by adminNY on August 04, 2017
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In this relation, the citizens are the reason to exist of the State and the responsible ones for choosing the government that, without the citizens, also would not have no utility. He enters the specific academic studies on the governmental public relations, is distinguished Cndido Teobaldo de Andrade. The author defines thus them: ' ' Governmental Public relations are the deliberated, designed effort, coeso and continuous of the high public administration, to establish to keep a mutual understanding between governed governing and. (Adaptation of the official definition of Public Relations of the ABRP). Or still, Governmental Public Relations are the action method that, through the dialogue designed and permanent between governed governing and, it looks to identify to the interest social' ' (ANDRADE, 1979:23). As the paper of the professional of public relations it is to manage the relationship of the organization with its public, none another professional so is qualified to work so that government and citizens if relate productively, therefore is this one of the main purposes of the State. According to Harwood L. Childs, in the Course of RRPP. given in the Getlio Foundation Vargas: ' ' all the governments must attempt against for these points capitals, that integrate an efficient program of Public Relations: ) to look to the cooperation of all the governmental citizens for the processes and regulations; b) to inform the citizens well on what it carried through in its I benefit and to ask for its participation in these activities so that they can cheat greaters benefits; c) to prevent the increasing complexity of the government system, demanding laws and reforms dictated for the necessities of the technique; d) to accept the Public Relations for the Government as essential point to the development of a solid politics, preventing itself it interference: of the partisan interests in the specific governmental functions; e) to demonstrate to the people that it has right the participation in the progress of the government, in its levels more elevados' '.


Municipal City

Posted by adminNY on March 02, 2016
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These biological differences have been comumente used to inhibit the igualitrio development between men and women, making with that the feminine sex is seen as inferior to the masculine, fragile, with aptitudes come back to the house works and familiar. Understanding that it is paper of the municipal sphere to execute the public politics answering to the demands of the population and respecting its expectations, necessities and priorities are that the Municipal City hall of Caxias has looked for to develop public politics under the sort perspectives, being created and giving conditions of functioning to the City council of the Rights of the Women, beyond the estruturao of the City department of the Woman through the Municipal Law n. 1.745/2008 that it makes use on the reform and reorganization of the Municipal City hall of Caxias, the City department of the Woman ' ' (…) it has as paper to plan, to organize, to direct and to control the plans, programs, projects and action that they aim at to defense of the rights of the woman, assuring to it a full participation in the partner-economic life, cultural politics and of the City, as well as carrying through public and private joint with sectors of the civil society and agencies, for the development of action and educative campaigns related to its atribuies' '. In this direction, the municipal government through the City department of the Woman searchs alternatives of combat to the violence against the woman, guaranteeing to them adequate conditions of conduction for the exercise of its citizenship and the guarantee of its human rights constitutional. The concern of the State, while formulador and executor of the public politics they have to be centered in the pointed social combat to mazelas, in special as for the guarantee of the dignity of the person human being, what perpassa, necessarily in this context the formation of a net of services that makes possible joint cooperation and affirmative actions for the establishment of one common politics that it takes care of the priorities of the citizen through the formation of the nets of local cooperation for the confrontation of the poverty and the implantation of one adequate and efficient politics that necessarily depends on the integration of the agencies of the management pra the promotion and viabilizao of the public services foreseen by the laws municipal and guaranteed by the Brazilian Constitution. .


The Americans

Posted by adminNY on January 27, 2015
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Today, this number arrives 60% almost. The investment in education relieved a revolution in the standard of living of the Irishans. They today are richer of what its neighbors, the British, dealt who them with disdain. the forecast is that in two years they surpass the income to per catches of the Americans. Coreia of the south In years 50, the country was destroyed by a civil war that divided Korea to the way, left a million of dead and most of the population in the misery. One in each 3 native of Koreas were illiterate. – Today, eight in each ten arrive at the university, that is, 82% of the young are in the college and the country if it became one of the exporting greaters of technology of the world. Good pupils have scholarships and the government stimulates strategical research.

superior education is gratuitous. ' ' The secret is the family, with engaged parents the pupils are motivated and the professors entusiasmados' ' , a teacher speaks. ' ' The education is come back toward economia' ' (Managing of the Ministry of the Education and Human resources). the majority of the professors has mestrado. the karaoke is alone one of the educative resources.

In the classroom it has everything that is necessary to educate with motivation. the professors need to have superior course and are brought up to date evaluated to each two years. If the pupil does not learn, the professor is disapproved. Wage of professor: equivalent the 6 a thousand dollar for month. With financial support and professionals of answer sheet, Korea in few years left of being an exporter of fabrics and shoes to become a great global producer of automobiles, eletroeletrnicos and equipment of high technology. To the end of each level the pupil passes for an examination. Today, 90% of the exportations of the country are proceeding from the companies who had arrived there attracted by the high degree of instruction of the population. In Brazil, only 18% of the young arrive at the facultieses. Source: : National periodical 10 the 13/10/2005 Another excellent point to detach is that today, in pasesque had reached a bigger social development and had reduced the inaqualities has an operating civil society, that is critical to the harms politics and considers alternatives for its governments. Front the conjuncture of problems in a global scale, the ONU, Organization of the Nations Joined, in plus one of its initiatives of international cooperation in search fomenting the development sustainable, in year 2000, it considered ' ' 8 Goals of the Milnio' '. The agreement was approved by 191 countries members, in New York, in the biggest meeting of world-wide controllers of all the times. Had been gifts Heads of State and of Government, also of Brazil, that if had compromised to fulfill the eight objectives, that follow below, up to 2015: v To finish with the hunger and misery v basic Education and of quality for all v Equality between sexos and valuation of woman v To reduce infantile mortality v To improve the health of gestantes v To fight the AIDS, the malaria and other illnesses v Quality of life and respect to environment v Everybody working for the development
