Brazil Society

Posted by adminNY on September 13, 2019

With the diverse manifestations that had occurred in the Europe and the United States of supernatural phenomena, a new doctrine was appearing, with adepts for the whole world, being that as all the newness ‘ ‘ desconhecida’ ‘ many doubts had appeared and questions that had been later answered by Alan Kardec, the Espiritismo arrived at Brazil in 1865. Today, the Country is what it congregates the biggest number of espritas in the whole world. Brazilian the Esprita Federacy? nationwide entity of the Esprita Movement? it congregates ten a thousand Espritas Institutions approximately, spread for all the regions of the Country. The first esprita session in Brazil occurred in 17/09/1865? Salvador, Bahia? , ‘ is installed; ‘ Familiar group of the Espiritismo’ ‘ , the first Esprita Center of Brazil and, to 20h30min, Luis Olmpio Teles de Menezes preside over to a medinica session, where if it receives the first page psicografada and signed by ‘ ‘ Brasil’ angel; ‘. In July of 1869, better to defend and to propagate the Espiritismo, hardly attacked for the clergy and the press of Salvador, Luis Olmpio Teles de Menezes publishes ‘ ‘ Echo D? Alm-Tmulo’ ‘ , Monitor of the Espiritismo in Brazil, the first esprita periodical of Brazil. In day 02/07/1853, the Daily one of Pernambuco, in its section ‘ ‘ Exterior’ ‘ , of notice coming from Paris, and dated of 20 of May, it counted correspondent who ‘ ‘ not if he can for the foot in a hall, without seeing all the society around a round table, having each one the supported minimum finger in the one of the neighbor, and waiting all in silence tabulates that it he wants voltear’ ‘.


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