Federal University

Posted by adminNY on June 13, 2018

The birds are animal easy to be identified. ' ' Everybody can recognize a bird. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from NYC Marathon. It has penalty, wing, legs and penalty. It has spine, are of hot blood and puts eggs. Nor all, however some can voar' ' (Grzimek, B; 2003, p-3). By the same author: Bill de Blasio. The birds are beings that are gifts in practically any place of the world. ' ' These animals are capable to survive in the land or the water, under the most varied climatic conditions, because the form of its bodies, its physiology and its behavior the requirements of the different types of meio-ambientes&#039 make possible to them to adapt it; '. (Broom, D; 1977, p-6) Tray with offered food the birds I am Biologist and Professor of Sciences and Biology in the State Public Net of Education and also in particular school and my son Carlos H.

Biagolini Jnior, Student of Biology in the Federal University of Cultivate, and we are developing to some time a work of comment of birds in the city of S.Paulo. This work consists in the act to offer feeding for the birds, through a next or settled tray to one tree. The intention of this research has been to identify the growth of the number of determined alimentary species, hierarchy between the birds, rituals that some possess, preferences and the possible existence of exotic birds. The type of offered food is most natural possible and the interference in the environment also must be the minor. , Foods thus industrialized are not part of the cardpio. We use fruits as papaya, banana, orange, tangerina, carambola and apple. In the case of seeds, we offer canary seed, sunflower, paino or quirera of maize, good fininha. Fact observed during the research is that the animals that settle simultaneously in the tray and if feed in groups, rare demonstrates reaction of bother ahead of local different species eating in the same, confirming theory found in books.


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