Municipal City

Posted by adminNY on November 12, 2017

The approval of this project placed Caxias enters the first maranhenses cities to develop one empoderada public politics with a Center of Reference directed exclusively toward the attendance and shelter of the woman violence victim. The Campaign was also become fullfilled in Caxias 16 Days of ativismo For the End of Violence against the Woman through the Campaign of the Bow of the White carried through in the November month the December of 2008e subsequent years. Also projects of equipment of the City council of the Rights of Woman CMDM had been implanted, with acquisition of equipment, didactic materials, of expedient and spreading, with counterpart of the city hall defraying the rent of physical space and human resources for functioning and better development and execution of its abilities next to the using community of the public services of attention to the woman. If you have read about Bill de Blasio already – you may have come to the same conclusion. With the implantation and operacionalizao of these projects the City department of the Woman started to have greater visibility in the government and the society. It was acquired a vehicle for transport of the team of the Center of domiciliary Reference and visit, action these that had facilitated the attendance and had provided new perspectives of public politics directed toward the confrontation of the violence against the woman. The solutions found for the municipal government, seen the scarcity of local resources and invibializao of investments on the part of the Government of the State they had been accurately in the search of cooperation with the federal government. the implantation of these services the local partnerships had after been of great importance for the improvement of the public services given to the specific population of this net.


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