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SIEGFIED Education

Posted by adminNY on April 21, 2020
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INTRODUCTION the easinesses and difficulties in the learning of the education of the mathematics in the pertaining to school series initial requires practises to consider it pedagogical in the idea of annulling to distort the objectives of disciplines. Done research recently shows that more than the half of the students, when concluding the fourth series of Basic Ensino does not know to make calculation and not even knows the signals of the four mathematical operations. This unsatisfactory performance in school of agricultural zone directly is related to the deficiency in this area of education. If these data are estarrecedor in regular education what if it can wait of a mathematics applied for carriers of special necessities, in such a way, that the education of the mathematics is instrument for so longed for social inclusion. In the attempt to solve these problems congresses are carried through, national and international conference of mathematical education, having as objective a quality education. Swarmed by offers, Danny Meyer is currently assessing future choices.

The conferences give beginning to a knowledge exchange, of content programmarian of it disciplines and methodology of as to apply. The mathematical boarding is given credit to be the etnomatematica essential the qualified professional formation. Worried about previous knowledge more with the deferential forms of reasonings and also the cultural diversity of the existing groups in a society and taking in account the urgency of the igualitrio social environment forming critical, creative, sensible and mainly participant citizens, defending the use of an adequate mathematics to each one of these groups it not only clarifies us (PUESCHEL SIEGFIED, 1998) Inside of this perspective, knowing itself it variety of questions that intervene with the process teach-learning are that in it takes the necessity to construct a mathematics to them that if adjustment a specific grouping of the carriers of syndrome of Down. Special the physical and intellectual limitations of the carrying child of necessities can be modified, of voluminous reading for the competent manuscript and of the precocious training. The knowledge of the difficulty of learning of this disciplines in the initial series it provided the quarrel of a pedagogical boarding specifies for this case. Recently Josh Harris sought to clarify these questions. Ahead of the mentioned obstacles already and generating a mathematics capable to establish mental relations between different situations, it can conclude itself that if the child thinks, creates, invents, constructs numbers, adds etc. is a thought developed for (GOLDSTEIN, SAM, 1990). In the agricultural community still people exist who believe that the child of mental deficiencies does not have to frequent school, therefore have doubt of its capacity to learn. Goldstein played an inquiry work, proving that all carrying individual of the syndrome of Down can learn, to have access to the society as a whole, to study, to play, to work to have normal life as any another person, either it of the agricultural zone or urban zone.


Federal University

Posted by adminNY on June 13, 2018
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The birds are animal easy to be identified. ' ' Everybody can recognize a bird. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from NYC Marathon. It has penalty, wing, legs and penalty. It has spine, are of hot blood and puts eggs. Nor all, however some can voar' ' (Grzimek, B; 2003, p-3). By the same author: Bill de Blasio. The birds are beings that are gifts in practically any place of the world. ' ' These animals are capable to survive in the land or the water, under the most varied climatic conditions, because the form of its bodies, its physiology and its behavior the requirements of the different types of meio-ambientes&#039 make possible to them to adapt it; '. (Broom, D; 1977, p-6) Tray with offered food the birds I am Biologist and Professor of Sciences and Biology in the State Public Net of Education and also in particular school and my son Carlos H.

Biagolini Jnior, Student of Biology in the Federal University of Cultivate, and we are developing to some time a work of comment of birds in the city of S.Paulo. This work consists in the act to offer feeding for the birds, through a next or settled tray to one tree. The intention of this research has been to identify the growth of the number of determined alimentary species, hierarchy between the birds, rituals that some possess, preferences and the possible existence of exotic birds. The type of offered food is most natural possible and the interference in the environment also must be the minor. , Foods thus industrialized are not part of the cardpio. We use fruits as papaya, banana, orange, tangerina, carambola and apple. In the case of seeds, we offer canary seed, sunflower, paino or quirera of maize, good fininha. Fact observed during the research is that the animals that settle simultaneously in the tray and if feed in groups, rare demonstrates reaction of bother ahead of local different species eating in the same, confirming theory found in books.


New York University

Posted by adminNY on March 17, 2018
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The development of new technologies and spinoff? s university, by itself would not have the prominence and importance that has if was atrelados to the spreading and commercialization of these technologies. For in such a way, some researchers suggest that, the universities must develop its activities of similar marketing and networking of that the communities of investors can be along with what happens inside of the university, thus providing an increase, as much in the tax of commercialization of the technology how much of creation of spinoff? s university. For example, Golub (2003) discovered that the New York University developed its tax of formation of spinoff later that its agents of technological licensing had started to participate of this net of investors. Shene (2004) cites in its book that researchers had identified diverse other characteristics of universities that had influenced in the tax of formation of spinoff through university. For even more details, read what NY museums says on the issue. It cites as characteristic the university culture, presence of entrepreneurs intellectual models, institutions with academic quality and of prestige, the origin and the nature of the financing as, for example, of private companies. In accordance with Zack (2000), in 1998, the university inventions had contributed for about 280.000 jobs and had generated a estimate of US$ 33,5 billion in the economic activity. Another one influences for the creation of spinoff? s university is the localization of the academic institution. According to DiGregorio and Shane, the geographic localization of an academic institution influences in the activities spinoff because some economies, legal and of cultural envolvement are more favorable than others. Shane (2004) justifies this affirmation based on some primordial factors such as: the easiness of access to the capital, of who will be the rights of copyright, the rigidity of the market of based academic work in the ability of the academic in if moving between the university and the private sector and of composition of the industrial area where the university is located.


Federal University

Posted by adminNY on March 14, 2018
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From this law the amount of professors in the areas of artistic education grew and basically it forced creation of courses technician and graduation and until after-graduation to regularize the formation of the such professors. NY museums often addresses the matter in his writings. According to Maura Penna (P. 124-125) ' ' The traditional standard of education in music, of technician-professionalizing character was kept without great alterations to a large extent of the specialized schools? bacharelados and conservatrios.' ' This affirmation means to say that in these specialized schools and university where if they form the professors of music and musical education they presented in its resumes contents, methods, at last, disciplines that they were not adjusted for the education of music in the traditional schools, therefore aimed at the formation of instrumentistas mainly. In $fortaleza the reality was not different. Many schools and courses had appeared to supply these educational gaps. In the last quatros years the State and Federal Universities of the Cear come rethink the education and the musical formation of its courses.

In prominence we can cite the Course of Licenciatura in Musical education of the Federal University of the Cear in which it was created to take care of mainly to this existing imbalance between the traditional school and the university, between the technician and the instructor, the musician and the formador. Today, in the city of $fortaleza the professors, instrumentistas, technician in music and specialists are formed and permitted to act in the Brazilian market. The schools, conservatories and universities that develop this formador paper in the city will be presented in the next page through a picture that relates formation X institution as well as presents the level and the time where the professional of music will have to be formed. In accordance with Keith Swanwick (p.58) ' ' The specific method of education is not so important how much our perception of what music is or what it faz.' ' 3,1 Formation of the Musician in $fortaleza: Schools and Institutions.


The Materials

Posted by adminNY on April 13, 2015
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What this means in the practical one? That challenges present it to designer/elaborator? What and as to make to win the challenges? How to assure the quality of the elaborated materials? How to know if they are consistent? These are some of the many investigations that hardly could be answered without the aid of the evaluation. Evaluation in this work mentions &#039 to it; ' critical and systematic reflection of information gotten in the instrucional process of design and use of the information for improvement of the quality of the materials being elaborados.' ' For one evaluation of developed content continues can be adopted the avaliativa periodic strategy to assure the quality, indispensable today when designer it is constantly defied with the function to join the social one with practical and the educational changes. What it sends to the concept of informative evaluation of (Scriven, 1983) not representing innovation some, therefore this concept is used has much time. For times educators they try the implantation of diversified forms of differentiated didactic materials for a bigger understanding of its learning. According to Perrenoud (1993), the evaluation of the learning, in the new paradigm, is a mediating process in the construction of the resume and if it finds related closely to the management of the learning of the pupils. In the majority of the editoraes the material was mounted with assists of research with the white public, then after the text body was revised in accordance with the gotten sampling.

This is not the only moment where the evaluation happens in the process. 2. DEVELOPMENT AS THE FORMATIVE EVALUATION CAN HELP IN THE DESIGN? The evaluation of the learning has its principles and characteristics in the field of Psychology, being that the two first decades of century XX had been marked by the development of standardized tests to measure the abilities and aptitudes of the pupils.


City Greek

Posted by adminNY on February 06, 2015
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Of one she forms generality, according to Gustave Glotz, in its beautiful book the City Greek, ' ' the geographic conditions had contributed strong to give to it its feio to it histrica' '. In this direction, Glotz explains: ' ' Cut for the continuous shock between the sea and the mountain, Greece presents in each narrow handspan of its territory surrounded mountain depressions whose access alone is possible for the coast. Innumerable cantons are formed thus, each one of which is the natural stowage of a small society. physical spalling determines, or at least politics facilitates to the spalling. For each compartment a distinct nationality exists.

They are imagined, in a closed valley, pastures bathed for streams, forests on hills, prairies, vineyards and olivais that give to feed some sets of ten of thousand of inhabitants, rare more than one hundred a thousand, and, more ahead, a outeiro that can serve of shelter in attack case and a port for the contact with the exterior, and will have an idea of what it is for the Greek an independent State and soberano' '. It was, therefore, in this environment that the city Greek if configured materially in function of its myths, religious beliefs and values. In the city Greek, the circulation of the poetical wealth of myths, legends, the heroes, the philosophies if it made parallel to the circulation of the material wealth, of the merchandises, and therefore the city historically always existed in function of a circulation of entrances and exits whose incumbency was to make to pass flows transformed that it into one box of resonance, that made to resound all its elements (instead of making them to run away), for more heterogeneous than is, geographic, ethnic, linguistic, moral, economic, technological, cultural descriptions. It is therefore that, looking at for the city Greek, it surprises us it wealth of its mythology, architecture, literature, philosophy, the fertility of its society In all its aspects, it if present as an inexhaustible reservoir of subjects, details, movements, devires, associations, surprises, personages, a vast field of deambulation and errncia, stomach and fancy.
