
Supreme Cacique

Posted by adminNY on March 04, 2019
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However, this does not represent any excuse, in any way, so that the fact of providing news It is so lame and twisted but must represent a constant push to work for a society well and duly informed, capable of believing in a press determined to be the engine of a collective that works in the interests of the preservation of democracy, rights as well as obligations. President Morales and his followers should start by understanding that every inhabitant of this country has the sacred right to dissent from the policies of either side, pro-Government and opposition, and therefore can and should express their views so they are not liked by the party in Government function, something that sadly happens in State-owned media as tracking them can demonstrate that any critical comment to the Government is disposed or is not taken into account, only apply those criteria favouring the President and his political environment eventually on their side. On the other part in the private media, and this is not any invention, you can see that they are accepted criteria of one and the other side something that is acceptable, but the truth is that in both fronts workers of communication, at some point, have taken and take sides by either side, defending tooth and nail to one or another leader and its policies, thus giving the world of a poor image of the Bolivian press. The way to stop this is not the road to authoritarianism, humiliation, threat, persecution, the closure of media, least generalization in the sense that all media would be against the policies of the President, most unlike the solution is in re-routing the repercussion relationship because a democracy without freedom of expression and dissent is not democracy and is nothing more than pure taxation ordering us as thinking and say which automata programmed to obey submissively orders a Supreme Cacique decided to seize the powers of the State giving priority to the political agenda and ignoring other issues of capital importance for the country, that’s why and more than the inhabitants of this country prefer thousand times freedom of expression to a silly submission on behalf of the process of change, without right to say nothing and put buts to an administration that has begun to walk along the path of the arbitrariness and authoritarianism decadent and lacking in serious for everyone, solutions increasingly evident, in practice by some intellectuals wanting to convince the Bolivian set that is needed to concentrate political power to distribute the wealth, and that underdevelopment is fundamentally fault of people or countries that developed earlier, denying the idea that authoritarianism and totalitarianism in the world have failed, forgetting that democracy and freedom of expression and dissent still persist and will last forever..

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