Monthly Archives: January 2016


Posted by adminNY on January 26, 2016
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Sangor Medical – Secrets of the mountain dwellers Most people in the highlands – centenarians. Why not just be written for this phenomenon: a special climate, healthy food, clean mountain water and so on. Probably a little of everything. But what is the main secret? Why the body is aging? One of the main reasons for a hundred measurements – deterioration of the blood supply to the tissues. This process begins at approximately the age of 25, or even earlier. But this urban "lowlands". On the "attic" – which later.

And all because rarefied atmosphere there. Reduced oxygen causes the body to use the hidden opportunities. The volume of the lungs, improves blood supply to organs and tissues – grow new blood vessels and capillaries, increases oxygen capacity of blood. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, gassed air and other capital "Joy", the urban population over the years, weakened joints and tendons, muscles lose their former strength. But here too the mountain elders luck: walking miles overcoming rough terrain, they continuously train their musculoskeletal system .. Change Moscow apartment on the hill of the same size problem is that to abandon the benefits Civilization is not so easy, and the mountains at all will not suffice.

There is a way: the special breathing exercises on the apparatus "mountain air" – gipoksikator. The unit is equipped with a metered supply of hypoxic and giperok-classical compounds. Hypoxic training is popular among office workers: in 10 sessions the body gets a powerful boost of energy, increases efficiency. Cheerfulness and Spouting life energy – is only visible part. Health promoting processes occurring in the body visible after the passage of a full course of 30 training sessions. A total of 30 lessons per year prolong your life for at least 3 years. "Walk" along the mountain heights can not leaving Moscow in a sanatorium Sangor.

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Importance Of Lights

Posted by adminNY on January 12, 2016
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So in the evening after a set of hours and at night the lighting is switched on only half the power required to pass in the right direction and take the necessary thing. A resident in a country house will not have their own turn the light on the street: control of the timer will solve this problem without human intervention. Lighting control by time of day is more complicated, but very convenient system. Even on a summer day, especially during rain, natural light may not be enough to illuminate a room or office. There will a special sensor that secures the light level and if necessary, including the lamps. This component of the system of "smart home "is relevant and in homes where there is a winter garden or conservatory. Owners will not have to several times a day on and off the light, and when leaving to worry for your favorite plants.

Creating light scenes possibility of including multiple light sources and storing frequently used programs called a function of light scenes. Select individual elements of the interior or facade lighting for a given scenario, not only comfortable, but very effective program of "smart home". Simulating the presence of those whose lifestyle is associated with frequent travel or business trips, intelligent lighting control is a must. It it will help create the effect of the presence of house owners. Light in different areas will be switched on and off, and its brightness will be regulated by a system of "smart buildings".

This often helps to prevent imitation intrusion of unauthorized persons in the absence of the home owners. Automatic lighting control systems are convenient and effective as a multi-storey country cottages, and small sample flats. They allow us to life more comfortable, and the cost of purchase and installation of special equipment paid off much faster than it might seem at first glance. Intelligent lighting systems, "smart homes" save electricity, helping to emphasize the subtleties of design space, create the right mood in a particular room at a time when it is convenient for owners. And, of course, with no need to remember whether the light is turned off in closet or kitchen – modern models of systems allow for control from a pc or cell phone. Experienced the possibility of automatic control of lighting, you will immediately enjoy all its benefits. By good getting used quickly, and now that "smart home" is available all over the wide range of consumers, we should not deny yourself the pleasure to live beautifully, effectively and comfortably.



Posted by adminNY on January 08, 2016
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8. Constantly monitor the actions of competition to promote a similar product. 9. Conduct comprehensive training and selection of vendors, which include two critical and decisive moment in many ways: a) vendors are required to know all the components of performance its product quality, production technology, the rules of consumption or use, an advantage over other products and terms that accompany the main, and b) the sellers have to be extremely sociable, artistic, fully master the art of communicating with people, be able to present their wares and sell it so that the client has left so vivid impression of purchase, that he necessarily wanted to then share their opinions about product, store and service levels with all the people around him. Remember: if in preparation for the sale of any product you miss even one of these positions, so you do not get the maximum possible profits. It is an axiom that should not even question it. The West has long paid close attention to exactly the correct representation of the goods. Why? Because competition is high, the conditions of production and quality identical, hence the difference in price (though this is important) does not play.

And there is one thing to provide, offer and sell more elegant and elaborate than the competition. In other words, is 'battle' for the client, in which winning is not the strongest, wisest and. We can say that more than 50% of success in the trading business is dependent on the presentation of goods to each specific client. And this applies to both pre-planned major purchases and to the daily purchase of essential items and food products. It is clear that these arguments relate primarily to those people who at the time of finding a shop to have the necessary amount purchase their favorite products.

But always remember, and for others, those who came to see today, and tomorrow will come back to buy. All this indicates that the product is not enough to bring to the store in sufficient quantities and on bargain price. It still needed to properly present, ie, packaging, display and presentation of product sellers should be much higher than the competition. Only then can we talk about full of future profits.