Alice Filoni

Posted by adminNY on September 20, 2018

Demanding from the future employee that he care about the environment is too trendy and modern. Many chiefs insist that the staff involved in corporate environmentalism, saving paper and even used instead of bags, string bags plastic bags. Perhaps check out NYC Mayor for more information. The next step – vegetarianism. Common thing – the candidate warned that the office kitchen is only for vegetarians, and bring the meat is strictly prohibited. But if a candidate vegetarian – he will be glad that will work together with like-minded people! He even agreed to lower wages. And will work with enthusiasm. For example, working in the dealership of 38-year-old Marina Efimova qualified accountant with 15 years of experience – a dedicated vegetarian.

And every day is to serve as a holiday. When she came to get a job, my first question was, whether she wears clothes made of fur. In the company under ban even belts made of leather. It is unclear whether the firm is aiming at a profit, or ideological cell. Yes, the Labor Code of the animals is nothing written, recognizes the Marina, but imagine the collective zoozaschitnikov, and on hangers – coats of fur: “Yes, we have brutalized and ate each other!” Alice Filoni, the owner of a small consulting company in Novgorod, recently began practicing yoga in front of work. “I realized it’s easier to cope with stress, – said Alice – and decided that my subordinates to a small charge will not interfere.” She also disaccustoms staff smoking (but without much success – employees are hiding in the closet) and orders to the office of decaffeinated coffee.


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