DBM Spain

Posted by adminNY on December 18, 2015

DBM Spain is the Spanish branch of an international company/signature that counts with more than 40 years of experience in the human management of capital. In fact, one is the first company in the world of relocating of professionals ( outplacement ), with 230 offices located in 85 countries. And in his paper of labor consultant’s office, it counts on the knowledge necessary to recommend how to confront badly drink of the deprivation of rank and privileges. And, first of all, their experts aim that he treats, indeed, to pass page and to consider the dismissal like an incentive to find a work opportunity more attractive than that one than came carrying out. Although it is certain that the first effects can be very disturbing in the daily life of a person, always exists solutions, explains Alberto Cordova, partner-director of DBM Spain. the first passage of the professional must be to consider its profile and future expectations, marking the first landmarks that they induce to happen to the action, with the aim of facilitating the change of attitude and beginning a to think to future. And it is that, the DBM experience demonstrates that to structure an action plan quickly contributes to surpass the first moments that usually have negative conditioners and a high emotional component.

This is, in fact, the first stage of the plan Outplacement of DBM Spain, that contemplates to advise, to support, to orient and to follow the professional. Equally, the rules of work for the first weeks of the use process settle down search, defining themselves a customized trip ticket. the intention is to be reaching small profits that facilitate the attainment of the professional objective, continues Alberto Cordova, being as much the organization capacity as the continuous learning the key factors to achieve the success. Another option that can enter the labor perspective of any professional is to consider to work its own way like independent entrepreneur. It is possible to value the capacity of one same one, where it is the entrepreneur wood, what is what will help to be successful and with what will be had to have well-taken care of. In this sense, and to each tactical mission, DBM Spain it arranges a specialized equipment to direct the beginning of the business concept, counting on the support of external consultants in the areas mercantile and labor, in the procedure and concession of financial supports and subsidy to the creation of companies. The company Drake Beam Morin (DBM), founded on New York in 1967, counts with more than 40 years of experience in human management of capital, transformation and transition of organizations. They offer its services in 24 languages, and have taken care of more than 50,000 companies and 3 million people at world-wide level. DBM Spain, with delegations in Madrid and Barcelona, was created in 1982 with an equipment formed by professionals of different profiles that provide solutions to the people and to the organizations.


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