annual report for the GCRI New York

Institutions Communication

Posted by adminNY on May 24, 2018
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As one of five around the world Institutions are its task, inter alia, to present Germany as a country of research and innovation. The GCRI is to promote dialogue between industry and science, as well as provide a forum for transatlantic scientific dialogue. In addition to the regularly-oriented conferences and symposia on various scientific topics, the GCRI serves as a focal point for all information related to the German Science landscape. The GCRI acts as the interface between science, industry and public authorities. While the organization is both by State and by non-governmental sources financed and supported.

The Reutlingen agency Wagner Wagner devoted to the long-term brand development, brand management and brand management of its customers for years successfully. The 13-member team of communication and business managers, designers, computer scientists, media designers and advertising merchants accompanied the customers with individually developed approaches in the long-term implementation of communication strategies, Advertising campaigns, packaging design or optimization of the website. Wagner Wagner dares to leave familiar paths and feels like as a creative think tank. What does not exist, is being developed. As a relevant part of successful brand communication designs and designs Wagner Wagner literature and publications for its customers.

These range from product catalogs, brochures, and special publications, such as the Chamber of Commerce. The Reutlingen communication specialists are proud being one of the few agencies in Germany, whose work processes are certified according to ISO 9001:2000. To get more information in the Internet, as well as directly at Wagner Wagner.

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