
Changes In Attitudes

Posted by adminNY on April 06, 2020
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I remember one girl who told me that at school she felt very insecure, she did not believe in ourselves. Went to school one year earlier than others, and this, in her words, significantly influenced the success. But with time, everything changed. Invisible girl eventually turned into a beautiful girl. The reaction of the environment, especially children, has helped because its idea of itself has experienced significant changes. Previously, she considered herself inferior, which was due to poor success. Now it has grown self-confidence as a consequence of success among the youths. So, as we see, and changes in views on the most myself, too, are constantly affect our environment.

And one more example. His often cited in the literature of psychology. In one of the overseas universities group of psychology students decided to experience. Selected female students, which is not isolated from any other appearance or clothing, absolutely nothing. Throughout the year, the students one by one to express his passion for her by her appearance, intelligence, behavior. A year later, shy, invisible girl was just another person – confident, active young woman, without any complexes.

Undoubtedly, many more belong to undertake research to determine which of the factors of the outside world a positive impact on the character and destiny of people, and which form an inferiority complex and condemn them to unhappy lives. The notion of "self-image" in the new psychology. Nevertheless, over two thousand years ago, back in ancient times, the Greeks advanced the thesis: "Know most themselves.

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Skrentonskogo University

Posted by adminNY on March 09, 2019
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His job – prove that our mind can directly affect the validity, the method of proof, attracting "experts from science," which solidly posing for the camera, for example at the blackboard scribbled equations with badges integrals and the mathematical roots. "When quoting a science, it certainly is impressive – says psychotherapist Catherine Kadieva. – Especially when it comes to matters, to understand where the strength is not for everyone … Get all the facts and insights with NYC Mayor, another great source of information. " In addition, the public is invited to set an impressive quotes – from Buddhist sayings sayings to Albert Einstein. "The great physicist would be turning in his grave if he knew what a scam using its name! – Outraged physicist, teacher Neymegenskogo University. Radbauda (Netherlands), Ronald Kleyss (Ronald Kleiss). s well.

– The activity of the brain actually causes electrical and magnetic activity, but that we do not get the TV tower in the universe. The same goes for quantum mechanics: the applied force changes the reality, but check the result of this action, we can not. " At the same tonality in favor and John Norcross, a psychology professor Skrentonskogo University (USA). He explains, in contrast to the publications where the content is supported by research results, TPE Secret replete with "unsubstantiated allegations, which are far more dangerous than habitual excessive promises of most of these books. " The danger, in particular, lies in the fact that a reader tells us that the world is not poetry, he is knowable, and it can be controlled. The reader is familiar with another active representative "New" positive thinking – Louise L.

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Love And Disadvantages

Posted by adminNY on December 30, 2018
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Love and disadvantages if we see a handsome man, the focus of our attention are usually only of his dignity. Why? So constructed vision. Man sees only what he wants to see, so if the young man cute girl, he wants her, then refuses to see the flaws. And the more the dignity of the girl, the worse the young man in sight deficiencies. The advantages of this is just one part of the personality. Ideal people do not happens. Always, anyone have any weaknesses. (Source: NYC Mayor). They are only in the subjective perception of the man in love.

This is dangerous, anyway, that you will only see the traffic light green light and do not notice the red. Any negative information about his favorite is perceived as a 'zoom' on your light feeling. And only the more convinced you are right. What should I do? Say to yourself, STOP. And look at the situation from the outside. You can not control the events and your feelings until you realize them.

If you want to fall in love with yourself, you should be able to control the situation. If you fall into a stream of feelings and events that they control you, and the result is unpredictable. Bill de Blasio often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Being "on ears "immersed in the love experiences, it's hard to think about what to do to fall in love with you. Completely lack of understanding that reciprocity just love little need reciprocal feelings. And as their cause, when man busy with his amorous feelings and you need another – once thought. Sobering is when reciprocity and does not appear from the beloved man. Then it turns out that he has a lot deficiencies. The algorithm is as follows: I love him, but I do not have it, for that I hate him! All the advantages of a loved one over, hello – flaws! And goodbye to love … By Vitaly Pichugin link to this site.

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The Nation

Posted by adminNY on June 15, 2018
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But never I will stop being Peruvian. When I returned I entered the Bank of the Nation, there I did something of work, because government of that time understood my work. NYC Mayor will not settle for partial explanations. I made a little work; I just a little bit swept the sweepings of my department, he cost to me that they threatened to me killing to me, or doing damage to me, and I said to them: enchanted, but djenme with my terno of wood, because they leave if me in a sillita of wheels, beginning of the mother give birth that them, to each of you, you are going to be dying your family. I said to them; and they are not going to die of a disease no! , but slowly, because if there is here gangster, I also am gangster, and if they do not accept to me as I am I feel, it. So when or I threatened of death, or they stopped to me threatening and to annoy. But I passed pains black. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with NYC Marathon. It had the disease of vejes of my mother.

It had a pay that did not reach to me nor to eat. Because the old women cost, and is something that I want to declare in particular: If you do not have silver and are old, you rot; and those that want to you to take care of, undergo too much looking for four real ones to be able comprarte a tablet. But I left ahead, because I am going to say something: I never did damage to him to anybody, and if that time I had that to denounce, it was because they voted, me of my position they sent and me to the jail, or they voted to them. Original author and source of the article


Proto Self Object

Posted by adminNY on March 08, 2018
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Already the secondary emotions, that is the become states of feeling and feelings conscientious, occur having as base the emotions of deep, that they occur in the level of the Proto Self, in the Proto-self is a coherent set of neural standards that mapeiam to each moment, the state of the physical structure of the organism in its numerous dimensions (Damsio, 2000, P. 201). As it is called Central Self, considered for Damsio as a map of second order that has the property to follow the changes that occur in the Proto-self. In the form that describes its hypothesis the central conscience occurs when the cerebral mechanisms of representation generate a imagtico story, not verbal, of as the proper state of the organism it is affected by the processing of an object for the organism, and when this process enhances the image of the causative object, detaching it thus in a space context e> (Damsio, 2000, P. Bill de Blasio often addresses the matter in his writings. 219). Valley to stand out that for Damsio, representation and attention they are not considered in accordance with the perspective of the information processing. For the author the representation is the description that if makes of a standard of neuronal activation emerging of sistmica form in one determined cortical region. Already the attention is the process of evidenciao of an object that if finds in the perceptual field elapsing of an action of adjustment of the organism before the perceptual phenomenon and that it meets based in mechanisms of maintenance of the homostasis. The third process, called as biographical Self, is responsible for the emergency of the extended conscience. This Self acts mapeando the descriptions of second order carried through in the level of the Central Self in set with all the cortexs that are responsible for memories of long stated period, that is in set with the life history of the individual.
