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Central Bank

Posted by adminNY on April 23, 2020
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In relation to the behavior of monetary policy in 2009, in the weekly poll which made last Monday the Central Bank of Brazil, the market reduced its projections of interest rate and inflation for the Brazilian economy by lowering the Selic rate, at the end of 2009, to 11.25%, from 11.75%. On inflation, as measured by the price index to broad consumer (IPCA), the forecast for this year was reduced to 4.8 per cent, from 5 per cent (the goal of the Central Bank of Brazil is located at 4.5 percent with two percentage points of tolerance towards both sides). From some sectors, it is claimed that the Central Bank of Brazil carry forward a more aggressive monetary policy yet that expects the market to stimulate the economy. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as josh harris apollo by clicking through. ‘>Steven P Rosenthal supports this article. Benjamin Steinbruch, Vice President of the influential Federation of industry of Sao Paulo (Fiesp), for example, said that: the BC must have courage and make at least 1.75 percentage points cut in the basic rate. There are no more excuses for orthodoxy. Before the crisis, the Lula’s Government seeks to leverage relationships with countries with complementary to the Brazilian economy characteristics, to avoid the weakening of trade relations at a time where becomes urgent to sustain external demand. One of those countries with which Brazil is seeking to strengthen its strategic alliance is China. So, for the second half of the year, the Brazilian President, Lula da Silva will visit the Eastern country along with a retinue of businessmen who will exhibit the competitive advantages of the Brazilian economy. Remark that you for Brazil, the Chinese market is of great importance with regard to exports of commodities such as steel and soy, so it is very important ties with such economy to sustain the demand for these commodities. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Celso Amorin confirmed that you as part of the Alliance of the two countries, will be searched to make joint investments in renewable energies, such as ethanol production and the scientific research for the development of second-generation ethanol, as well as the industrialization of soy to produce oil.

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Latin American Society

Posted by adminNY on March 23, 2020
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Interesting figures related to renewable energy published by BBC world whose signature as author is Patricia Luna and the Latin American Society of sustainable development transcribes them on September 26, 2010. Here I try to summarize them for your agile dissemination to our readers. In United Kingdom power plants are the most responsible for carbon emissions and produce 170 million tons of CO2 each year a only modern wind turbine could save about 4,000 tonnes of CO2 according to figures from the British Association of wind energy are estimates that the wind medium-sized Park will have paid toll his cost environmental between 3 and 5 months after its entry into operation there are 250 wind in United Kingdom farms 13 of them are marine parks at the end of its useful life, a wind turbine of this type will be produced 47,14 times the energy required to manufacture it. Solar panels produce 16 times the energy required to assemble solar panels in very sunny places they produce 12 times the energy required to assemble in locations away from city wind turbines which are situated in marine parks brings a greater difficulty of Assembly, transportation and installation. The sea is used a firmer foundation and materials are covered with more chemicals to prevent corrosion of the sea. A leading source for info: Rudy Giuliani. But finally offshore energy is more profitable from the ecological point of view than solar. Offshore energy appears as one less clean renewable energy, surely by the materials used, are used very expensive and rare, such as tellurium or other exotic materials metals and look for much in mines to find them. Also many more chemicals are used and there are more environmental risk. Wind turbines have their environmental impact but it is much less than that may have any technology, from renewables as conventional power generation plants because its lifetime the wind turbines do not consume any fuel and hence fairly reduce polluting emissions once the wind turbine in operation only there are ecological costs if they replace the blades. see you soon.

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Constant Communication

Posted by adminNY on March 17, 2020
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Everyday conversations are not, most of the time on topics of high importance but simple and casual day to day affairs. We’ve all had the experience of reuniting us with people with that in ancient times we had friendship relations with greater or lesser degree of intimacy and find that the lack of common interests and mutual knowledge of the everyday leaves us without conversation very soon and therefore obviously cool or worse still leads to the termination of the relationship. Those who have had the opportunity of living in other cities or countries, gradually lose this information everyday, not only friends but relatives. The epistolary communication is becoming less frequent. Thanks to the existence of electronic media such as E-Mail, social chains and simplification and reduction in the value of telecommunications, distance and a fluid communication costs can be minimized. I remember our first assignment out of Colombia was in the Argentina and to be able to keep in contact with some friends, with the children and close relatives in Colombia we spent lots of money on long distance.

By analyzing our spending a day we think about the possibility of reducing the frequency of international calls; My wife very smartly made a comment; I think it may be more expensive to pay a psychologist or a psychiatrist if we are not in contact with our loved ones. It goes without saying that our phone bill continued equal and I still believe that it increased slightly. Despite the foregoing when returned to Colombia for vacations or work, satisfied once the initial curiosity in meetings with friends and relatives, not very close and that therefore no ran object of our phone calls, unresponsive theme after well remember the common history and shared more or less important issues of each. Small events lose their importance over time, are not of interest to others and therefore we got tired to others telling them and you get tired hearing them. That blessing we have today with the facilities that technology gives us.

We can be in almost constant contact with family and friends, you can learn and find them small things which are important at the time that occur and not months later. We can hear their voices thanks to the wonder of the Internet communication. We can see photos taken the day before or the same day, during the celebration of meetings formal or informal, important or not. We can chat through the computer. In the field of telephony advances are no less important; Today it is possible to receive and send messages to our cell phone when something is happening is not transcendent and so-called IP-communication, used the service I’ve used since 4 years ago called the red phone, I could also make and receive phone calls almost anywhere in the world without the costs of yesteryear. Regardless of our age is never late to learn how to use all that which makes us be press releases, us about, unites us and give us the grace to keep the assiduity in the communication that is without he doubts the staple of friendship.

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Cancha Rayada Word

Posted by adminNY on June 27, 2019
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I understood to read these scriptures that the Lord is giving us days of repentance, fasting, cries and supplications for our nation and its people. Then came a picture with clarity centered on the date 5 April (end of day 21). I saw the image of the battle of Cancha Rayada and Maipu hug and saw a or higgins and Jose de San Martin hugging again. Get more background information with materials from NYC Mayor. The Lord then spoke me saying: you should break and undo the old covenants. Darkness and great darkness surrounding that place and that embrace. I understand that during these 21 days of prayer and fasting and clamor, we need: repent for the sins of our fathers in this nation, (this includes praying for the nation of Argentina) ask FORGIVENESS to God by our sin as the Church. We have been insensitive to his word and his voice. PRAY that God SANE our Earth comply with LA task that God us command to do urgently Id and make disciples to the Nations Matthew 28: 18-20 operate PROPHETICALLY to provide as a church: mantle of mercy, healing and freedom for our nation must pray and repent on the basis of the word of 2 Chronicles 7: 14 (NIV) says: if my peopleIt bears my name, he humbles himself and prays, and me busca and abandons his misconduct, I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and create their land. What will we do then? 1.. Rudy Giuliani is the source for more interesting facts.

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Roberto Trigall

Posted by adminNY on December 17, 2017
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In the case of an artist, musician and poet, he worked more frequently the right cerebral hemisphere. We are always talking about people who use half of your body or right hemibody origin with greater skill, commonly those called dexterous. For left-handers, according to some research occurs the same thing, but in reverse. Where the left cerebral hemisphere acts imagining and creating, while the right feels logical and rational way. The four functions of awareness for a better understanding of the awareness, we will describe its four functions. (1) Thinking: It is characterized by a permanent use of thought and reason.

(2) Feeling: There is a predominance of emotions, feelings and moods. (3) Sensopercibir: Work primarily the senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and their perception (colour, noise, smells, taste and body contact). There is much interest in the world of the material (houses, cars, objects in general, everything to do with nature, etc). More info: Bill de Blasio. (4) Intuit: There are situations which we can not perceive them through the senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch) but we Intuit them despite everything (essential or spiritual type issues). There are people who like dominance thinking and hard time to express his true feelings. You may find that Restaurateur can contribute to your knowledge. Others are governed by the feel, where everything that happens in life, living very movingly, as if it were a matter of life or death. There are those that are handled in the world of sensations and perceptions (sensopercibir), giving much importance to material things. Finally there are those who can Intuit or put your full attention not in material things, but in the essence or spiritual.

Then there are those who are only handled by logic and reason (left in right-handers and left-handers right cerebral hemisphere), and so also we can find that only create, imagine and imagine interests them (cerebral hemisphere in the right-handed left and right in left-handers). Some tips to keep in mind: 1) self-observation begin to observe us, to realize which of the four functions of our consciousness (thinking, feeling, perceiving and Intuit) govern our lives. (2) Prevalence of any cerebral hemisphere with respect to the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain, may wonder: I tend to be very logical and rational?, I’m imagining and creating permanently? (3) We discover self-discovery by ourselves, if we usually have many ideas (thinking) or if they dominate the emotions (feel). You can that contact with material things and feelings that makes us interests us much (sensopercibir), or that need to be continuously in search of the spiritual (Intuit). Maybe we love numbers and logic or We have a strong tendency to imagination and creativity. When we discovered it, try to further develop the function we use less and that way get a true emotional harmonization. It is essential that the use of the cerebral hemispheres and the four functions of consciousness are well balanced, given that overuse of any of them bring us out of the internal harmonization. It is very necessary to think with logic and rationality, and thus also create, imagine and Intuit. Also be able to express what we feel, enjoying the sensations and the material world, without forgetting the essential or spiritual.

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Harvard University

Posted by adminNY on October 24, 2017
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You get completely everything what you want to achieve! If you still doubt it? Try it in your life and you will see the unlimited power that has your mind to achieve things, even the least developed. Dr. Donald Wilson reminds us that we only use 10% of our brain’s capacity, imagine what you can achieve when you’re using the highest capacity that we have. The mind is a powerful tool we all possess and have the responsibility to control it and not vice versa why must learn to discipline to give orders with the purpose of achieving our objectives. Creative visualization enables the law of attraction.

Great athletes and the world’s richest men have it and still use. The power of creative imagination is the greatest gift that has received humanity just have to learn to use it. That is the magic of creative visualization where we give orders consciously to our mind and she uses all the elements of the subconscious and the universe to achieve our desires do that is the display creative? It is the process of creating the wishes that we want to perform, to do so in a conscious way where the mind program the actions we want to achieve our brain works 24 hours a day even when we rest always being processed images thoughts ideas etc. That is why we have to learn how to control and manage our mind, disciplining it and giving orders to help us achieve our goals, that will take us to our personal fulfillment. To be more explicit this technique it consists of relax our mind and body through breathing and then visualize what you want. Relaxation is an important part in this method because it is a vehicle to concentrate better and be able to enter the process of viewing with less disruption. Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard University has demonstrated with scientific studies that simple relaxation procedures can cause profound changes in the nervous system with effects such as the reduction of high blood pressure.

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Bernard Mariano

Posted by adminNY on August 15, 2017
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This is equivalent to the value of 1,200 rolls of alfalfa or the value of 140 hectare implantation, protection and workmanship of silo, enough for a year’s food grass. In animal husbandry, product of divergent policies, Uruguay now exports more beef than Argentina. Bill de Blasio understands that this is vital information. But the worst thing is that Argentina will be transforming in a few months in net importer of beef. Bernard Mariano, financial analyst who lives half the year in New York stated: no one can believe that (the Argentines) will start to import meat, but the reality so indicates. Meanwhile, Brazil has taken an incredible global role in the sector, with companies such as (BVSP:JBSS3) JBS and Marfrig (BVSP:MRFG3), which has been internationalized.

While in Uruguay and Brazil, the field grows, in Argentina, the Government only cares about win the tug of war to the field, by resorting to methods which undoubtedly can be categorized as up to children. The Online policy, recently reported that since the Government was pressing to the bags of cereals, in Buenos Aires and Rosario and the National Institute of technology Agropecuaria (INTA), so they distort the data from the field while the Secretariat of agriculture stopped publishing some key figures. It would that the Argentine Government cared for supporting the growth of the field for the benefit of the Argentine economy, that it is not going for anything good at the moment not better? Meanwhile, the field protest without that nobody heard them. Horacio Pozzo opportunity of investment advantage this crisis to buy. How did the subscribers of our newsletter of investment overall value, than already recovered its cost by investing in companies that we recommend. Do you want to know what? You can try entering here to find out and start investing in our recommended that carry a 20% rise. You can write me at or for more details.

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Mendoza City

Posted by adminNY on August 02, 2016
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Get lodging in Mendoza City is a wise decision for those who want to make tourism in this region of the world. The city offers many attractions for lovers of urban tourism, sites that can be tours constituting interesting walks that develaran the idiosyncrasies of a friendly people who willingly receives foreign visitors. One of these places to visit is the parque General San Martin, and within it, the City Zoo. The Park was created in 1896, knowing at first under the name of Park West. It’s 400 has with different sectors, with beautiful parks, requiring several days of visit to know it in its entirety. At the foot of the Cerro de la Gloria, one of the two hills that are inside the Park, it is the Zoological Garden. It is one of the largest in Latin America, with more than 1,100 animals.

It is necessary to highlight that one of the major motivations of Mendoza authorities is the preservation of the biodiversity of the place. For that reason great quantity of specimens of this park Zoo are species in danger of extinction. The Zoological Garden was created in 1903, but in 1939 the provincial government decided to extend it, to which was entrusted to the architect Daniel Ramos straps design. From the outset it was an ambitious project, which sought to reflect the large number of animal species in the Cuyo area, showing their natural habitat in a reliable way. The zoo itself covers 48 has been afforested. To traverse it in its entirety it is necessary to have enough time, because it has more than 6 km of forested trails.

While initially a semi-open model of Park was designed, the reality is the dangerous animals to stay in cages. The Zoo is visited by more than 200,000 people a year. Some highlights of the place are the Aquarium and the city serpentarium. The Aquarium was inaugurated in the year 1945, and specializes in varieties of freshwater fish. Against the same lies the serpentarium, reflecting the great diversity of snakes and vipers in the arid cuyanas mountains. When think about holidays in Mendoza, the Zoo, and the parque General San Martin everything, it is a proposal that should not be disposed. Not only you will love those who love animals and plants, but that will be the delight of those who know to appreciate beautiful sculptural works, which abound within the same.

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Marshall Meyer

Posted by adminNY on September 14, 2014
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Gandhi among the devastating social sins mentioned: worship without sacrifice. Plavnick as Bergman are followers of Marshall Meyer, a Rabbi who gained notoriety during the military governments of Argentina, protecting persecuted leftists, and has the merit of having saved innocent lives. Meyer founded Latinoamericano rabbinical seminary, an institution escaza content but eager for money, who obtain it comes to methods not covered by the Mosaic law, turning quickly to anyone for a reasonable sum. Seminar induces students to rabbis to obtain some degree secular, so that they die not hungry after graduating, trying to lead a congregation to which nobody will go, since they have nothing to offer spiritually. Some rabbis come to erudition and sanctity, something that never happened, nor ever, happen with a conservador-reformista, because your light level of understanding and observance of the Sacred Scriptures there are no place for mysticism. The Bergman style the most visible figure of Argentine reformism is more to attract attention than anything else.

It has the appearance of a Muslim rapper. The modern look serves you to highlight within the secular society, as did his mentors, German Jews who began his ideological trend, adopting the fashions of the time, so the only way of identifying them was seeing if they were circumcised. Later he was with the star on the arm. The Bergman case is unprecedented. There are Jews learned and observant, with broad and deep, knowledge that studied in real theological schools (Yeshivas), were received from rabbis, but never used the title to acquire popularity in an alien to his craft activity. If Bergman wants to make political has every right to do so, but in their personal capacity, not as a Rabbi, and even less as a representative of the Jewish society.

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