Monthly Archives: February 2015

Great Heath City

Posted by adminNY on February 21, 2015
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The raw material lack for the industry madeireiraprovocou the migration of the majority of them, remaining only one in Is Domingos. Essanica would saw produced in the year of 2006, an amount of 2.700 wooden m emtoras and 945 processed m wooden. In the present time (2007), this same would saw produces one mdiade 175 m wooden in logs for month, being that the majority of them comes of outraslocalidades in other cities, as the Consultation in Is Joo of the Araguaia, Brasispanha in Great Heath of the Araguaia and Pato in the municipal territory deMarab (to see table 2). The explored specimens more are the Axix (Sterculiaspeciosa), the Sumama (Ceiba pentandra) and the Faveira (Panopsissessilifolia). These trees are bought of Localities and cities of the extraomadeireira – 2007 Main localities of extration Cities Consultation Are Joo of the Water-cold Araguaia Are Domingos of the Araguaia Brasispanha Great Heath of the Araguaia Pato Marab Cow-black color Are Domingos of the Araguaia Source: Research of Field in June of 2007. In ours second research of field we detect> duasempresas lumber installed in the city of Are Domingos, being they mesmasatuam that them only in the benefited wooden sales. When asking on the damadeira origin made use the sales in its originary deposits we discover that are deoutras localities, as: F saint (Marab) and Four – mouths (Village Cruise doSul in the city of Itupiranga). Still speaking of this new research, we also detect que100% of the wood in log consumed in the city in study, come of natural deflorestas areas. The responsible one for the sales in the only one would saw of the city deSo Sundays, affirmed that reforestation projects do not exist that to visemabastecer the local market of the lumber resource. How much to the roads utilizadaspara the extration and transport of the wood, this same cited person above nosrevelou that great part of them was and is constructed by the owner of would saw, also bridges in city roads.


City Greek

Posted by adminNY on February 06, 2015
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Of one she forms generality, according to Gustave Glotz, in its beautiful book the City Greek, ' ' the geographic conditions had contributed strong to give to it its feio to it histrica' '. In this direction, Glotz explains: ' ' Cut for the continuous shock between the sea and the mountain, Greece presents in each narrow handspan of its territory surrounded mountain depressions whose access alone is possible for the coast. Innumerable cantons are formed thus, each one of which is the natural stowage of a small society. physical spalling determines, or at least politics facilitates to the spalling. For each compartment a distinct nationality exists.

They are imagined, in a closed valley, pastures bathed for streams, forests on hills, prairies, vineyards and olivais that give to feed some sets of ten of thousand of inhabitants, rare more than one hundred a thousand, and, more ahead, a outeiro that can serve of shelter in attack case and a port for the contact with the exterior, and will have an idea of what it is for the Greek an independent State and soberano' '. It was, therefore, in this environment that the city Greek if configured materially in function of its myths, religious beliefs and values. In the city Greek, the circulation of the poetical wealth of myths, legends, the heroes, the philosophies if it made parallel to the circulation of the material wealth, of the merchandises, and therefore the city historically always existed in function of a circulation of entrances and exits whose incumbency was to make to pass flows transformed that it into one box of resonance, that made to resound all its elements (instead of making them to run away), for more heterogeneous than is, geographic, ethnic, linguistic, moral, economic, technological, cultural descriptions. It is therefore that, looking at for the city Greek, it surprises us it wealth of its mythology, architecture, literature, philosophy, the fertility of its society In all its aspects, it if present as an inexhaustible reservoir of subjects, details, movements, devires, associations, surprises, personages, a vast field of deambulation and errncia, stomach and fancy.
