Monthly Archives: September 2016

What You Should Know When Designing A Logo

Posted by adminNY on September 29, 2016
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Logo design is one of the main stages of any self-respecting company. This person company, which must be original, clear and memorable. Nice and friendly logo will remember your company and allocate it among the other companies but this requires compliance with several regulations, which are often ignored for and eventually appear many complications that could have been avoided at the initial stage of designing a logo. Additional information at Francisco D’Agostino supports this article. The originality of the logo should allocate among other logos, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, overloading the logo of the mass elements and graphics and the most important thing that the logo remains clear, or simply to read, you look at the logo and you can tell exactly what the name the company but does not know what all the same character is encoded in the symbol that most people simply will not break down over it, but what people do not understand is usually He tries to avoid. Creating the logo complicated process when developing a new logo, ideally monitored the maximum number of companies competing, as well as companies with a similar name, to avoid the development of new logo similarities. logo must be unique. Not a few important factor is technological literacy which is the logo, above the logo must be transformed, with an increase or decreasing the logo must remain clear and readable, whether print on your business card or billboard. Also developed the logo should be able to transform into a color, you have a color and a beautiful logo with gradients and volume of 3D, but it can be used in offset printing, internet or digital printing, but if you need to make a stencil or cliches for embossing, the experience shows that nice logo for the often turns into something funny and not attractive not to mention readability, this rule also applies to use the logo on a dark background, it is often lost and the addition of strokes is not envisaged in the original design makes it cumbersome and not readable. Logo designed in vector graphics programs, Adobe Illustrator, the file extension: ia, eps, CorelDraw, file extension, cdr, all other formats are not the sources and serve only to study purpose or for a very limited use and application of the logo. All these factors must first be taken into account when designing a logo, both in terms of graphics and style and in terms of technical performance, and then you will nice catchy logo that you can apply completely in all areas of advertising and company image for what the logo and developed.

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Privacy Requires Secure Sharing Files

Posted by adminNY on September 27, 2016
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Still, sensitive files be sent unencrypted private customer and corporate data by eMail. Today the new, free service that enables secure and privacy-compliant Exchange files starts filaxx. Under, the new range of Wolff Consulting GmbH from Berlin, the service provides the ability to send files to any recipient. Via upload through the channel and download through the receiver a safe transfer is ensured, corresponding to the modern, demanding security standards and privacy policies. Prospective benefit basic version to start the action of introduction of filaxx by 1 August 2011 and free of charge the service life a price advantage of 5 EUR per month. There are up to 10 uploads per month with a maximum file size 5 MB available in the basic version. Uploaded files are provided for 7 days to download.

Filaxx is at all times a month’s notice. Soon, the extended offers filaxx Pro and ProfiPlus are available, up – and downgrades will be easily possible. In the ProfiPlus version, managing any number of custom recipients is possible without restriction of file sizes, as well as sending several files. In addition, there is no limit of uploads, text messages can be sent with. The version will offer shipping histories, status tracking and reporting functions, optionally, multiple users are possible. Both the professional as well as the ProfiPlus-version are terminable at any time per month, deploys files up to 14 days. The beta version of filaxx was successfully tested within the Mercedes-Benz sales organization Germany, numerous business partners from the middle class and professionals from different sectors. All info under: about Wolff Consulting GmbH: data protection and information security are the basis of the work of Wolff Consulting GmbH, they thus traditionally have a very high priority.

For more than 10 years, the company operates as a successful link between IT and marketing. The philosophy: Perfect data management is the Foundation for successful marketing. Filaxx carries the Wolff consulting privacy statement the ever increasing requirements and offers a Web-based service that meets the highest standards. Renowned customers trust the Wolff Consulting GmbH on the safety, innovation, and flexibility. All info under: contact: Wolff Consulting GmbH Christine twenties sales and Marketing Assistant to Friedrich str. 132 10117 Berlin E-mail: Tel: +49(0)30 / 288769-109 fax: +49(0)30 / 288769-100

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American Society

Posted by adminNY on September 21, 2016
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As general information includes next a table that presents/displays the tolerances accepted for masses ASTM Class 15. 4. To follow the instructions that the manufacturer in the operation manual indicates. Calibration of the balances The process of calibration of balances must be realised by personnel enabled specifically in this activity. As fundamental aspect stands out that the calibration is due to realise with base in the lineamientos of the OIML or another equivalent organization as it can be the American Society for Test of Materiales (ASTM), institutions that have developed methodologies to classify the weights or masses landlord, used in the mentioned processes. Next, the table of classification of reference weights is included that use the OIML.

Table of classification of weights of reference OIML6 Any process of calibration must be realised using a weight landlord, and the obtained results will be analyzed to determine if they are within the acceptable tolerances. Gain insight and clarity with Francisco D’Agostino. The weights are due to select landlord, following the capacity of the balance. The table that is next complements the previous one and is a guide who helps to determine the type of weight landlord that must be used in the processes of calibration of a balance based on its capacity. MAINTENANCE ROUTINES The balance is characterized for being an instrument of high precision. By such reason the routines for maintenance in charge of the operator are minimum and they are limited the following: Daily activities 1. To clean the subject of gossip of pesaje, so that this dust or dirt is free of. cleaning takes place with a clean fabric piece that can be dampened with distilled water. If it is necessary to retire some spot, a smooth detergent can be applied. Also a brush of smooth hair can be used to remove the particles or the dust that had been deposited on the subject of gossip of pesaje.


Federal Insurance Office

Posted by adminNY on September 15, 2016
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Information about the new parents money and any other financial assistance for families of maternity protection weeks maternity allowance 14. During this time get legally assured women maternity benefit, which consists of a subsidy of the health insurance fund in the amount of maximum 13 euros per working day and will be increased by the employer on the average net salary. Usually no maternity pay private insurance, privately insured women receive only the employer’s contribution. At the request of the Federal Insurance Office pays them but (Friedrich-Elbert-Allee 38, 53113 Bonn, phone: 02 28/619-18 88) once 210 euro. This money can get even, who familienversichert in a legal Fund and exerts a slight employment (mini job).

Tip: Even if the mother protection period for the second parental leave for the first child overlaps, there are maternity benefits. Can then consult, how it is calculated in each case. Parents money since 1.1.2007, there parents money. These payments gets who abandons his post for some time after the birth of the baby or his Working hours reduced to no more than 30 hours per week. Paid 67 per cent of the average income in the 12 months preceding the birth, but at least 300 euros more than 1800 paid parental benefits up to the first birthday of the child. Two more months there is money, if the other parent during this time to the child (father months).

Tip: The application for parental benefits can be placed on the day of birth. Rush does but not emergency: the parental allowance will be retroactively paid three months. The old child-raising allowance authorities accept the application, in case of doubt, the registration office provides information, where you must go. Also as regards: the parents money stretch, both after just one year in the job must return. You can have instead of twelve months 900 euro also 24 months paid out 450 euro.

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More And More Internet Users Are Interested In

Posted by adminNY on September 15, 2016
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AGOF study: More than half of Internet users are interested in fashion and shoes. Even though fashion and shoes only to prove their true quality on the body of the wearer, the fitting when purchasing plays apparently only a subordinate role. Sales of fashion items via the Web anyway, is booming. Almost a quarter of Internet users (22.5 percent) to buy their clothes already through the online channel. This corresponds to 8.26 million Germans. But the digital medium has established itself not only as a sales channel. The function as the mainstream is more important: two-fifths (40.1 percent) of users, i.e.

14.7 million potential buyers, consult the Internet on fashion items and shoes. Comes to this result the special evaluation fashion and footwear of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft online research (AGOF), the “Broadest group of users” (WNK: all Germans that 14 years have used the Internet in the past three months) examined. Therefore every second user who is online informed about fashion items and shoes, also becomes the online buyer. The According to survey but still more potential customers in the power napping, because more than half of the online community has a particular interest in products of this segment. 52.3 percent of users engaged in, according to the study, like fashion and shoes. This corresponds to 19.15 million German citizens. Furthermore, 78 percent of users, so 28,55 million people have acquired, fashion items or shoes during the survey period from July to September 2006.

It is also striking that the fashion interested users show an above-average open to advertising. While 45.4 percent of the total population often “did find according to own through advertising interesting products”, 55.7 percent of Internet users can say that online learn about fashion. Also popular: Fashion and music as advertising environment in particular sites to which music CDs or tickets as well as flight and rail tickets or vacations are dealing with books,. For users who have bought fashion and shoes via the Web, give her Money also for products from these segments from. So, 60.6 percent of fashion online buyers have ordered even books about the Internet, about half refers to tickets via digital order. Looks similar to the thing for those interested in fashion, of which more than two-thirds have a soft spot for music CDs (71.8 percent), books (69.8 percent) and vacations (66.5 percent) respectively. The Internet facts collected four times per year and form the basis of planning of advertising campaigns in the Internet. The special evaluation fashion and footwear refers to the third quarter of 2006 graphics: InternetWorld

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Five Gifts And Half Member Price The Ebookclub

Posted by adminNY on September 13, 2016
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Special action of ebookclub until end of August 2009 the ebookclub aims at bringing together all those who read like ebooks or sell them. All members will receive for a short time every two months and five welcome gifts, membership at half price, monthly an ebook eBook press”as well as 50% discount on all products in the online store The ebookclub is not a book club in the traditional sense. He is a club for all those who read like ebooks or sell them. In the 2009 merger, all members receive five high-quality ebooks (worth about 100 euro) as welcome gift (the large import rest – and special post trade, successfully selling ebay professional primer, textiles and fashion items earn Guide, money easy,) as well as a monthly ebook, so 12 year, two of them with re-seller license. Every two months there are the periodically appearing ebookpresse”as inclusive free goods. In the various interesting information about ebooks, reseller or master seller projects are collected and the like. The electronic Magazine is the industry service for ebook readers and seller.

In addition, members receive 50% discount on all products that are sold at. Membership in the ebookclub euros 24 until August 31, 2009 just once a year, so not even eight cents on the day. Membership expires automatically after one year and if desired even extended may then be. The prices for those ebooks, the ebookpresse”and possible discounts amount to a multiple of the membership fee, by the way. From the 01.09.2009 the regular member price of 48 euro applies in the year. Registration and more information are available for those interested in.

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Federal Supreme Court

Posted by adminNY on September 08, 2016
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Which can also rent to be achieved when connecting rentals are subject to large fluctuations, so also considerably lower than that planned. Borrowing in Swiss francs: the Fund had taken a portion of the loans in Swiss francs and so a lower interest burden. This had to result but also the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. The drop in the value of the euro against the Swiss franc has led in recent years, that the overall loan burden has grown and also for payments to be in Swiss francs to the Bank spend were higher amounts in euro. This has weighed heavily on the economic situation of the Fund. Swiss franc funding can have disadvantages, was communicated to investors in the minority of cases. Agreed interest coverage: many Fund shareholders for the first time from writing the HCI trust by May 10, 2010, learned that in relation to the borrowing for the Fund real estate an agreement was reached with the financing bank, a certain ratio of income to Interest payments do not fall below may (so-called interest coverage ratio).

This happens, the Bank is entitled to special repayment until the interest burden is again in the agreed framework. Is this not in the position, the Bank may terminate the loan and exploit the real estate. This dramatic consequences can be found neither in the Fund’s prospectus, yet they were revealed to investors in advance of participation. Suitable real estate funds as retirement savings: the funds as a safe investment has been recommended many investors for their retirement. As demonstrated in the face of the risk of loss that have realized, a suitability as retirement does not exist. This seems even the Federal Supreme Court and has been awarded for this reason alone already damages investors. Share of the real estate fund in fact inalienable: because there is no functioning secondary market for shares in funds, are in fact not to sell the shares.

However, some investors were assured of the ability to sell at any time. Risk of loss: The existing in each closed-end funds Many investors were not at all informed risk of loss. Total limitation of compensation claims threatens 2012 – limitation day exactly 10 years after consulting investors of HCI funds Austria II we strongly advise that promptly by specialized lawyers for banking and capital market law to check, whether they can claim damages against their advisors due to faulty investment advice. Because the statutory limitation period, the so-called total limitation occurs exactly ten years after the investment advice or the drawing of this participation. After that, no claims can be made more claims against the respective consultants, nor against the founding shareholders of the Fund as a contractual partner of acceding investors. Therefore, Austria II Fund is offered for investors of the HCI rush. We are for an assessment of your individual options available. Call us, we know how to get to your right! Nittel Banking and capital market law firm your Contact person Mathias Nittel, lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Tino Ebermann, lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855

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Federal Government Berlin

Posted by adminNY on September 02, 2016
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Berlin-based company promotes the development of corporate child care Berlin, 06.06.2012 Besser Betreut supports the 10-point plan of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Strengthening operational care facilities driven already successfully several years by the corporate services of the Berlin company. Thus covers the offer of better care with point 4 of the programme for the implementation of the Kinderforderungsgesetztes (KifoG). This foresees the expansion of corporate child care. The Federal Government wants to reduce missing childcare through the integration of companies. Company kindergartens and mediation platforms such as to allow the smooth reintegration after parental leave and the reconciliation of family and career. Steffen Zoller, Managing Director of better supervised GmbH, was ahead of his time, when he realized the need for operating child care in 2007. A company kindergarten binds employees and is a major advantage in the candidate market in Germany.

We support numerous very successful well-known companies in the reconciliation of family and career. Of course we are the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs with our expertise at any time available.” According to the child support Act, legal entitlement to a nursery place for children under three years of age is from August 1, 2013. Currently missing Germany 100,000 places. The implementation of the law proves to be difficult, because of missing funds, as well as professionals. These obstacles should now be built with the 10-point programme of genickten by the Federal Cabinet. – better GmbH which offers better Betreut supervised TuV South tested solutions for the reconciliation of family and career. In 15 European countries, families will find the appropriate support in the categories of children, adults and seniors, animals, as well as household and garden.

An experienced team advising also competently to questions around the topic of care. International enterprises and scientific organizations take advantage of the companies service of the better Betreut. Supports better serves hundreds of thousands of workers in the German-speaking countries. A worldwide Aupair placement is offered with the brand Aupairnet24. The better Betreut was awarded for its successful concept already several international based in Berlin. More info can be found on. Press requests Stephanie K.

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Federal Government

Posted by adminNY on September 02, 2016
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The licitation was sent untimelily, Friday 29 of October, just before the bridge of 1 and 2 of November, with the presumed intention of which the interested participants wasted time of analysis. Being a nonstandard solution and for a key service that offers the Secretariat to the conationals in EEUUA, it is required that the offerers design specific and robust technical solutions. Nevertheless, the contest appears with the great pressure and tries to be adjudged the 17 of November; fulfilling hardly the minimum term that indicates the Law for this type of contests. It indicates that there would be some offerer who had access to the bases to be preparation with a solution and that the others could not obtain the same. The form in which the Chancellery tries to simulate a licitation to practically assign the service to a participant, through the manipulation of bases is coarse. Of this form, the efforts to develop licitation systems are in vain, since they do not control the technical aspect of the licitation that he is totally manipulable by the dependencies.

The Secretariat of the Public Function would have to take part to avoid the manipulation of the processes of acquisition of the Federal Government, otherwise the Secretary Fertile valley Squares, can be throwing the system Compranet 5,0 to the sweepings. In this case, one is the Secretariat of Outer Relations, that published the bases of licitation 00005003-007-10, to contract the program of appointments MEXITEL through a contact center. The contest has initiated vitiated of origin, to the being sent in the long weekend eve of 2 of November, with terms accelerated adjudging of way express and with a technical design that it disqualifies a priori to the majority of the gunners. As if the contest were designed to favor to carrier instead of a center of contacts. Besides limiting the time to respond to the bases of licitation, these clearly they are influenced by carrier, since requirements estableen that limit clearly the participation of a contact center in case same.

Nevertheless, the licitation seems to be slanted for Axtel by facts as evident as to solicit that the bidding one counts on certification 27,000. This is not a necessary certification for a contact center, but she is one that acquired Axtel recently. On the other hand, elementary questions are omitted that the service of Mexitel like the qualification has and has at the moment supported in site. With a tried saving of 10 billions of pesos, the Secretary Fertile valley Squares announced in past October a new version of Compranet. In its fifth version, this tool of purchases has evolved to offer to the government suppliers a transactional system that offers major transparency and fairness in the contests and for the dependencies of the Federal Government, majors savings. The transparency in the information is important, but the system is still of being able to control the techniques used by the people in charge of the acquisitions within each organization to negotiate with suppliers by outside the tool and armoring its selection in spite of Compranet.
