Monthly Archives: September 2019

Twentieth Century Fox

Posted by adminNY on September 28, 2019
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The industry of the cinema follows pawned on creating ideas to attract users, although I am nowadays and by Internet they are not very viable, by the famous programs p2p (which or are beginning to prohibit in certain countries), and services of direct unloading like Megaupload, RapidShare the last idea has been the agreement between the great ones like Hollywood, Warner Bros, Sony, Universal and Twentieth Century Fox with the service Home Premier, that allows to enjoy contents under demand by television going ahead to the opening of the films of these studies in the services of TV by cable of the United States like Comcast or DirectTV. This has good dot until we arrived at the point from the price want to acquire 30 dollars by film (21.20 Euros), that is to say, that if you want to see a pair of films the account would ascend to 42,4 Euros, and if we see more, we would already overcome the barrier of the 60 Euros a truly excessive price. Another disadvantage is that the terms between the opening in the rooms, the opening in DVD and the later emission in television continues being excessively rigid on the part of the cinematographic industry, another point that would have to improve these companies if they want to have clients, besides putting a price economic, clearly. . Here, New York Museums expresses very clear opinions on the subject.


Fleet Captain

Posted by adminNY on September 20, 2019
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In a story that does not know if he is real or pure imagination, Frank Koch of the magazine of the Naval institute of the United States of North America narrates the happened thing in the coasts of Newfoundland in the Antarctic, the most austral part of the world: After having been in open sea and under strong storm during several days in training maneuvers, the ship standard sailed in one night with much fog and very little visibility, so the captain remained on the bridge to supervise all the activities of the sailors. Learn more about this with amazing restaurateur. Awhile after it was darkened completely, the watch that remained to the end of the alert bridge: ” Light to starboard! “. – Then the captain asked: ” Direct course or is turned aside towards stern? ” – The watch responded: ” Direct Capitn”. , which meant that to his it directed them course to an imminent collision with that one ship. – The captain called to the one in charge of emitar the signals. ” It sends east message: We are on the verge of hitting; we advise to change to 20 degrees his rumbo”. – Then another one arrived answer signal: ” We advise that you cambin 20 degrees his rumbo”.

– The captain already was annoying and said: ” Contstele: I am captain; it changes to its course 20 grados”. – The answer was not made hope: ” I am class seaman 2nd class, better changes to its course 20 grados”. – The captain shout: ” It answers: This the greatest boat of the second Fleet of the Atlantic of the United States is Aircraft carrier USS Lincoln. They accompany three destroyers to us, three cruises and numerous ships of support. I demand that it changes to his course 20 North degrees or measures will be taken to guarantee the security of this barco”. – A new light Arrived from signal saying: ” This he is faro”. The aircraft carrier had to change its course. The realities can be different according to the paradigm or to the sometimes limited perception that we then have of them as Stephen R.

Covey says, ” The way in which we see the problem is problema”. The fast solutions to the different situations that afflict to us are at your service of the day but a true solution must involve a shift of paradigm a traverse of principles like such universal ones that they provide solutions to us that last in the time.


Japanese Americans

Posted by adminNY on September 19, 2019
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Young men and villains saw themselves very in Brazilian periodicals of the time of Vargas regarding as the great conflict of a war between. who age always portraied as the young men, the heroes were the Americans. The villains were the nazistas and the Japanese. Not only in periodicals, but also in comicses? who never read a comics of captain America? , in Hollywood and the TVs. What it was transferred to ocidente was only the prelude of what it would be the cold war, a constant manipulation of information. The second war nor was not won nor only stopped between Americans and Germans, or Americans and Japanese. The war was basically between the nazistas and the Ussr.

It was an obsession of Hitler in conquering the European east and eradicating the communism. This age so truth not only in the declarations of Hitler, but in the union between the nazistas and the fascists, until the efforts of ' ' Barbarossa&#039 operation; '. Without speaking that 20% of the troops German were to the front of the east. The nazistas had placed its bigger troop and its bigger warlike armory in European east, more than causing 20 million deaths in the Soviet Union. Whereas in the side west it was not used as many troops German, I ruin but it enormous had to the unpreparedness and the negation for the fear of the others two powers, France and England, to have a catastrophe of the dimension of world to war i. still the responsible greater for the ending of the war was not the United States. The Americans if had all kept the time far from the war, limiting themselves to distribute it resources for the powers in danger? the American people did not accept the participation of the United States in this conflict. has who says that the proper American government was negligent, therefore expected that Germany engolisse the Soviet union.


Brazil Society

Posted by adminNY on September 13, 2019
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With the diverse manifestations that had occurred in the Europe and the United States of supernatural phenomena, a new doctrine was appearing, with adepts for the whole world, being that as all the newness ‘ ‘ desconhecida’ ‘ many doubts had appeared and questions that had been later answered by Alan Kardec, the Espiritismo arrived at Brazil in 1865. Today, the Country is what it congregates the biggest number of espritas in the whole world. Brazilian the Esprita Federacy? nationwide entity of the Esprita Movement? it congregates ten a thousand Espritas Institutions approximately, spread for all the regions of the Country. The first esprita session in Brazil occurred in 17/09/1865? Salvador, Bahia? , ‘ is installed; ‘ Familiar group of the Espiritismo’ ‘ , the first Esprita Center of Brazil and, to 20h30min, Luis Olmpio Teles de Menezes preside over to a medinica session, where if it receives the first page psicografada and signed by ‘ ‘ Brasil’ angel; ‘. In July of 1869, better to defend and to propagate the Espiritismo, hardly attacked for the clergy and the press of Salvador, Luis Olmpio Teles de Menezes publishes ‘ ‘ Echo D? Alm-Tmulo’ ‘ , Monitor of the Espiritismo in Brazil, the first esprita periodical of Brazil. In day 02/07/1853, the Daily one of Pernambuco, in its section ‘ ‘ Exterior’ ‘ , of notice coming from Paris, and dated of 20 of May, it counted correspondent who ‘ ‘ not if he can for the foot in a hall, without seeing all the society around a round table, having each one the supported minimum finger in the one of the neighbor, and waiting all in silence tabulates that it he wants voltear’ ‘.



Posted by adminNY on September 11, 2019
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To the opera of the tennis, that tomorrow raises to its curtain Monday in the end of the Abierto one of the United States (22,00, Canal Plus), the protagonists with very different clothes go. Rafael Nadal arrives dress from inclement champion, fierce after staging its better version at the right, frightful moment after disassembling (6-4, 6-2, 3-6 and 6-2) to the Briton Andy Murray. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Rudy Giuliani. The Serb Novak Djokovic appears with the done clothes shreds, shipwreck rescued by the rescuing border, more dangerous if he fits because when olisque its perdicin and the tragic outcome (two points of party had Swiss Roger Federer), found a life-guard in its heart, a signal of aid in its shouts, an oar to stay afloat in its powerful shots: after overcoming two sets against (6-7, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2 and 7-5) Nole will become to cross the Spanish, to whom it has defeated in five end during this course, including the one of Wimbledon. Source of the news: : Two I commit in collision.


Sunglasses And Their Glasses

Posted by adminNY on September 07, 2019
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There are sunglasses for many years. Include the sunglasses fashion for a long time. Complement the clothes, especially in the summer, chic look and the carrier seem cool and casual. There is the variety of sunglasses. In the years since its existence the shape, color, design and the technology has changed a lot. Here too the nanotechnology has arrived already.

The glasses are made now usually made of shatter-proof acrylic glass, which previously were tinted or colored in a complex technical process. This is done in a variety of ways. On the one hand, the cheaper glasses are superficially coated with mostly brown color. This may reflect metallic silver in the reflecting sunlight. However, the evaporation is usually only for a season, then the paint starts to flake off. Another method is the complete colouring of the glass with the desired color. Yellowish, even bluish tones, but mostly brown tones are predominant here. The hue remains over the entire Life of the sunglasses will receive and does not bleach out also.

But blue coloured glasses are not recommended because they filter out dangerous harmful Bluishness of sunlight. Also large shares of the invisible UV reach our eye light this light unfiltered. Yellow-colored glasses have only limited protection against negative sunlight and greatly distort the true nature. The third type of colour of glasses is the polarization. Photosensitive particles in a glass in bright light will turn dark and lighten in less light again. It uses the photovoltaic effect here. Katy Yulman has much to offer in this field. These glasses are the most expensive, and they are also not made of acrylic glass available.

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Seminar Start

Posted by adminNY on September 07, 2019
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Trained in the company is. This is so good and right. A high qualification is crucial in the contest. She needed to professionalize communication, to make successful leadership work, teams to develop, and also complex products to schools, to share expertise and experience. In addition to professional trainers, who have appropriate qualifications for the most part, are more entry-level and part-time instructors in the market. Also field in the areas of sales, service and advice often receive training exercises for your customers. These groups this multi-part series with tips and AIDS aimed at, to get a safe and appealing seminar design into step by step.

In the second part of the post series, learn the most important points, to start in a seminar: prepare the room, greeting, agenda, participants correctly pick up and get on the road. Space map, create atmosphere even before the coach can welcome the participants. There is a lot to do on the spot – timely arrival provided prior to the start time. In particular the space is to take and to bring in the required state. Just seminar hotels, in which one the first time as a coach is active, surprises and obstacles also expect one occasionally. What is there to pay attention here? Sufficient space for the group, incidence of light and lighting control, ventilation and temperature connections for the required media technology and just a coherent image of the space and the right table and Chair arrangement.

The overall situation should promote well-being, security and the best working atmosphere. Whether tables and chairs in U-shape, Conference seating, or in the circle, which has a distinct effect on the seminar group. The circle gives the closest communication contact, but also the lowest individual protection (for students and coaches!). Be brave: only use this order form for example, even if the room is even too small or the Group has a few participants.

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World Experience

Posted by adminNY on September 04, 2019
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The great wall of China in the middle of Berlin, the great pyramids of Giza on the spree? Additionally the Knut is lummelnde before the Brandenburg Gate modeled everything from frozen water. “Certainly it is presents different what is currently on the ice and snow sculpture Festival Alexa: on ice Berlin ice sculptures Exposition” by visitors marvel at monuments from all over the world can be. The dimensions are enormous: 50 professional artists from countries such as Canada, the United States, Russia, Czech Republic, Belgium and the Netherlands created the frosty artworks from 250 tons of ice and 250 tons of snow in a special Thermohalle to the Alexanderplatz square in the run-up to the Festival. As an indispensable helper always in use: The multi function oil WD-40. Before this fascinating Winter Wonderland could open their doors to visitors, the international ice artists (Carver”) had to invest a lot of sweat and skill. About two weeks before the opening of the huge ice blocks rolled (approximately 2 metres long, 1 m wide and 70 cm tall) in refrigerated trucks. Every single block weighing up to two tons. The Giants were made previously in 4 to 6 weeks at a temperature of minus 30 degrees Celsius, the ice was transparent and glashell.

After the arrival of the ice was stacked then diligently”. The huge blocks are piled in stacked with help of forklifts, to reach so the height needed for the sculptures. In connecting various equipment such as chain saws, putty knife, iron and Bunsen burner were used, to elicit the 30 atmospheric scenarios the ice and snow. An absolute challenge for man and machine. The temperature in the Hall is constant at 8 degrees below zero. Not for nothing, whatever the all purpose tool is located in the luggage of the experienced Carver”WD-40. The Dutch artist Susanne Ruseler, who already shaped ice sculptures in cities such as Madrid, Bruges and Eindhoven, Hamburg, Oberhausen, swears by the means of: Before and after the use we take advantage of WD-40 for our chain saws.” “Her British colleague Richard buckle complements this survive the devices to the load through the ice and best, the chains run the cold smooth.” The chainsaw would already sprayed before storage over the summer. The enthusiasm of the two pros does not come by about.

Best practice for more than 50 years WD-40 as a liquid tool is”in industry and technology, factories and workshops, households and hobby shops in 160 countries. The all-round care is penetrating oil, lubricants, contact spray, Protectant and parts cleaner in one. It was created during a series of experiments at the for NASA a water displacement is being searched, which reliably should protect against corrosion. The appropriate water displacement was the 40th attempt”found and the name of WD-40. Here the circle closes. Because what is good for the space, can be bad for icy wonders of the world. Who themselves themselves make a picture of the ice and snow sculptures in Berlin would like to, can do this until April 6, 2008. The Thermohalle is located right next to the shopping and leisure center Alexa and is open daily from 10 am to 22 pm. For more information see. WD-40 is available for the hobbyists in the stores. Various application examples around household, garden and hobby, see.
