Monthly Archives: January 2019

Attorney General

Posted by adminNY on January 28, 2019
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This is a concept of intergenerational equity. Second, a mechanism of income inversion minero-energeticos that prioritize its distribution towards the poorest population and will contribute to social equity. If you would like to know more then you should visit Bill de Blasio. Third, the recognition of the resources of the subsoil as a property of all Colombians, should favour regional development of all its departments and municipalities. This concept of regional equity strengthens the integration of various territorial entities in pursuit of common projects; also promotes coordination and planning of the investment of resources and prioritization of large development projects in 750 entities regional and municipal, corrupt officials have plundered four trillion by royalties (Cesar stands for) misuse of coal royalties). Processes undertake to 48,000 civil servants, among them 800 mayors and 30 governors and, according to the Attorney General, this is only the tip of the iceberg of corruption. Nothing speaks the articulated as such of the draft legislative act about the actual royalties distribution, therefore understands that this will be competition law, but is precisely now when we must reach an agreement and reconcile what you have to reconcile, on the basis that the concept of royalty is wrong because at least a good part of those resources should really conceived as compensation to entities territorial producerswhich are seriously affected by the production in environmental, water, cultural matters, etc. Now well, I also agree with that the rules that determine the distribution of royalties among the different territorial entities have not taken into account criteria such as the number of inhabitants to benefit, the number of people or poor families, the indices of unsatisfied basic needs of those inhabitants, administrative and financial capacity of the territorial entities and environmental impacts, question is of the utmost importance when we talk about compensation, because don’t forget that natural resources belong to the country, but lies within a regional or subregional territory recognized by our legal system.

I also think that resource distribution of royalties based on the current constitutional design generates the concentration of 80% of these resources in territorial entities which represent 17% of the population and that this situation produces inequity in the distribution of a funding source that should benefit from more balanced manner to all regions of the country, as the explanatory memorandum of the draft says. But how harmonize these concepts so that royalties will benefit the entire country and, at the same time, precisely compensate producing entities? We believe the national Government who tells us in the project that certainly is not intended to deprive producing regions and those that present damage environmental to be in areas of mining activity; But yes is expected that the resources generated by this activity will contribute to the regional development of the country, privileging the regions poorest, through a Fund of Regional compensation that rewards the allocation of resources to these. If this formula is true in reality will meet all quiet, as this indicates that producers bodies with large populations (case Huila and Santander) ensure them compensation very close to what they now get and as coming from mining production increased energy in the coming years will serve the country to save in times of plenty and spend on the lean. The truth today is that everything is discussed and at least the huilenses can not neglect us if no, on the contrary, remain in pied de fight to defend our interests.

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Posted by adminNY on January 26, 2019
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Brazil disappoints in its debut in the America Glass. Paraguay and Ecuador tied this Sunday without goals in a dull debut in the America Glass, in which the Paraguayans were more near the goal but they were incapable to bring about a scratch to the rival. For even more details, read what New York Museums says on the issue. With this result, everything follows as it began in Group B, where Brazil and Venezuela also tied to zero.

The first minutes of the shock were plagued of vaguenesses. In the middle of the general disorder, Paraguay retained the ball in the medullary one. Paraguay warned for the first time before the first quarter of hour. Aureliano Towers overflowed by the left band and gave happens to Edgar Barreto, that only ended from the point of penalti. The arquero Marcelo Elizaga rejected to corner serve. The action animated to the Paraguayans, who advanced the lines. At the same time Ecuador, tied down in its own field, did not find an answer and abused pelotazo long. In the minute 19 Elizaga it saved again to his equipment after closing of Roque Santa Cruz from the interior of the small area.

Crucial error Was necessary to hope until half an hour of encounter seeing first arrived with danger from Ecuador. Cristian Bentez initiated eslalon in the line of three quarters. It deceived to dnsa with a tunnel and haggled to the arquero, but it was made him at night and Paulo Da Whistles united the firing to empty door. The men of Reinaldo Wheel improved obviously. They gained presence in the zone of creation with a participating Cristian Noboa, but he cost to them to generate offensive operation, with a Felipe little active Caicedo. Paraguay lost protagonism and their players were diluted in center of the field, incapable to provide of balls to Lucas Districts and Santa Cruz, whom lines looked for hard of happens between the Ecuadorian zagueros corpulentos.


Capital Procurement

Posted by adminNY on January 23, 2019
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Dr. Werner financial services AG held its seminar on the subject of equity and mezzanine capital to the Bank independent SME financing on April 23, 2008 in Gottingen. The day event with an integrated workshop was again well attended. Commercial lawyer brokered at the seminar Dr. Horst S. Werner and lawyer Holger Bernd and the speakers from the partner companies, the advertising agency of beclever ( and the financial portal (, Kirsten Winkelbach and Nicolo Martin, the essential information to the Bank independent corporate finance.

Dr. Hear other arguments on the topic with Danny Meyer. Werner’s remarks as speaker of Dr. Werner network gave the participants an intense insight into the procurement markets and an overview of subsidiaries, mezzanine funds and foundations or effectiveness of investments and mezzanine capital. More topics starting at the current market situation, equity and the typical mezzanine financing to the bearer bonds have been described in detail by Dr. Werner presented. The practical raising of capital for businesses, the placing on the market and the sales took a wide room. Lawyer Holger Bernd informed the participants about the current case law in the field of prospectuses and the BFin procedure and the banking supervision during placement.

“The event was rounded off with the lectures by Mrs Kirsten Winkelbach, CEO of beclever Werbeagentur AG, on the topics production of the prospectus documents”, in particular the legal consequences incorrect graphical implementation, and Nicolo Martin, project manager emissions marketplace, on the subject of solutions in the field of marketing and financial communications “. The seminar dealt with legal and actual problems and challenges of independent corporate finance, was above all an exchange among the seminar participants in a seminar-integrated practitioners workshop. Target group of the seminar contractors, financial service providers and consultants were interested in independent financing, by Companies, as well as an exchange of experiences among themselves. Was so right”the event was described by participants and speakers as attractive. The seminar participants rated the seminar as exemplary. The individual presentations were excellent and presented practical with many examples”was only one of the consistently positive comments of the participants. In addition, interest in a continuation of the seminars was signaled by different pages by Dr. Werner financial services AG. The next seminar takes place in Gottingen, at the Clarion Hotel, on June 26, 2008, from 10:00 to 17:00. Entrepreneurs who are interested in further seminars, can contact in an email to Dr. Werner financial services AG or otherwise come in contact with. Other suggestions may be submitted to it. Nicolo Martin

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Italian Weeks At Sunny Cars:

Posted by adminNY on January 21, 2019
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Car rental broker discount on bookings for Italy grants a Munich, 20 Euro 6 March 2012 (w & p) the destination Italy budget can explore vacationers with a current action of the car rental agent of Sunny Cars: on all car rental bookings received from today until March 20, 2012 at Sunny Cars for Italy, will be given a discount of 20 euros. The offer is valid for the travel period from now until March 31, 2013 and is interesting for all kinds of travellers, the Bella Italia”later in the year mobile know want to learn. The minimum rental period for the discount by Sunny Cars is five days. Seaside holiday, cultural trip or a city break in Italy, is a very diverse travel destination and can be experienced during a tour with holiday car in perfect way. Interesting attractions include also the over 50 UNESCO World Heritage site, which can be found in Italy. These include the ancient city of Pompei near Naples, the leaning tower from Pisa, the lagoon city of Venice and San Gimignano in Tuscany with the famous towers. Car rental-holiday-makers in Italy go completely hedged on tour, because in the activities of the intermediary are all important benefits such as unlimited mileage, insurance, include local taxes, airport fees and providing with sunny cars.

In addition, an increased liability coverage of at least 7.5 million euros is at sunny cars on all rentals. To deepen your understanding Danny Meyer is the source. One-way rentals are possible for Italy holidays on request free of charge. Free additional driver is included in the prize package of Sunny Cars for Italy. Until March 20, 2012 his holiday car who would like to use your current discount of 20 euros for Italy, can travel agency, on or from the reservation team on the number 089 – 82 99 33 900 book. In addition, a free way of cancellation of the holiday rental admits sunny cars on all reservations arriving until March 31, 2012. About Sunny Cars: If a car for Italy or a remote destination: a vacationers looking for a ride, will find it at Sunny Cars for over 5,000 stations in more than 90 countries. In doing so, the intermediary places emphasis on service, product and vehicle quality. There is a Sunny Cars rental car including all major services.

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Posted by adminNY on January 21, 2019
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Sorry just the past go forward confidently, without fear. For even more analysis, hear from Bill de Blasio. Well, when you perform the tasks incumbent, making it the best you, you feel elevated, guided, directed, sustained and protected. Your strength will be enhanced and not be afraid of the results. When you do the right thing in the right way, you have all the power of life working with you and for you. You rise to the height of courage, when your hands are clean, when your cause is just and when you know that your heart has been the best.

Please always do what you do and the best way to know, and all means go back to you in appreciation and praise for doing so. Of course, no one can do no better than she knows, but if you do know best today, every day will know more, for your understanding will increase day by day. Dare to make decisions when you fear, when you have anxiety about what will happen, when your attention is entirely on yourself rather than about your performances, you are confused, frustrated and uncertain, you will not have a high opinion of yourself and will be discouraged. But when you do what life has pointed out, when you're true to yourself, you're not scared about what happens to you, because you know you're filling your purpose in life. You know you're protected and supported by an intelligent life and all powerful.

Within you there is a point of higher authority, a point of wisdom that you call a Oeyo , which is not controlled by any external disturbance or confusion. This item does not recognize the failure and in it you can choose and make decisions. At that point you can choose what you think, how to direct your emotions, your body how to act and what you will. Contemplate that secret place of power and wisdom within you, that place is not ever touched by experiences outdoors or for life outside. Do not ever bring live abroad, the central point of wisdom is the center of your own individuality where the same infinite life is personalized as you. Include such interior point of supreme wisdom and power that is within you and know you have a complete control over your affairs and activities; know that nothing outside yourself you can control. Determines that, starting now, you will do everything that life presents to you so that you will become to yourself with approval. Do whatever you run in a way that satisfies you. Every night tranquilamente.Revisa sit and rest your day with a sense of satisfaction, with feelings of joy in your accomplishments. Make this a daily habit and soon will go through each day with a feeling of peace and inner power dynamic. I appreciate yourself, you will have full confidence in you. Recognize you as the owner of your destiny, since you will make your decisions from that secret place inside of infinite wisdom. Written by Cor Lion King.


NYC Condo Sales

Posted by adminNY on January 17, 2019
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For Condos Sale in condos NYC Not Just to Home The newly built for leaves in NYC plows some of the best in the country and only rivaled by the luxury Condos in Atlanta, Georgia I inspected on behalf of to friend last month. With the emphasis on echo-friendly, sustainable building materials they plows giving buyers to great opportunity to INNVEST in the future of the planet, ace well ace to their own future! To pave panels This will, of course, encourage developers to focus on sustainability in other new constructions and major refurbishment projects. I a.m. Without hesitation Danny Meyer explained all about the problem. especially pleased to notices that to way you have been found, affordable AT last, to install OR V light collection roof panels. Solar These panels store sunlight and convert it into to cheap Energy source within the home. There plows many types of condos for leaves in NYC and unfortunately, they cannot all sees of the same extreme-modern, luxury quality ace the buildings in area such ace Battery Park, Manhattan and the luxury apartments in City Jersey. Lower price range floor Everyone would love to have the panoramic views you get from to ceiling Windows of to New Jersey apartment overlooking to river or to splendid view to over rolling beside to luxury green parkland apartment in City Jersey. However, lovely even without views of Nature, the condos for leaves in NYC in the medium to low price ranges still have many advantages to offer.

Useful services For example, there plows usually to host of useful services included in your monthly maintenance charges such ace to handy gym that means you for dog go to workout without having to spend Time dealing with the busy traffic. This probably halves the Time you need to spend away from your home and that dog you knows to lot of money on paying baby-sitter. It also gives you dwells free Time to spend with your family and cuts out to lot of stress that dog build up ace you try to balance your home-work commitments. Social life Another social advantage I believe is very important is the life that many condo residents enjoy. If you choose the right condo, (Apex condominiums plows always to safe choice for to well-managed building), you do not have to feel like to lost soul when you move to new City like I did when condos Is you move to the City from one of in Atlanta Georgia! Most Apex condominiums and to lot of to other condos for leaves in NYC, organize to regulate social activities for the enjoyment of the residents. This dog sees real blessing to older residents who plows not able to get out and about ace much ace they would like. It brings people to together and allows them to meet new neighbors and make friendships – without to ever needing to Seth foot on the streets outside. Under one when you buy of the condos for leaves in NYC, it could sees dwells than to home you may find your stress levels have gone down and your social activities have gone up!

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The Dental Insurance Compared

Posted by adminNY on January 16, 2019
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Current results to the dental insurance in the Stiftung Warentest. In the current issue of the Stiftung Warentest, the dental insurance more closely scrutinized were taken. Almost every 2 years comes a new comparison of dental benefits by Stiftung Warentest. This shows that not only now for many statutory health insurance dental insurance plays a major role, is a clear trend to the supplementary insurance for teeth but also many institutions. What does a dental insurance? Because the statutory health insurance just when the tooth replacement cost makes more and more savings, only the way of additional protection to many there. Services, which take up to 100 percent of the cost of dentures, are offered here. New York Museums understands that this is vital information. However, caution is required here, because not all insurance keep what they promise.

It already very many of these insurance companies were checked and it turns out that not every actually takes over the services offered. Those who opt for such insurance should know that no dental insurance assumes the entire cost of dentures. This concerns above all the patients for a very expensive benefit falls on. Right from the beginning, who has a bad tooth condition, must reckon with a rejection of the inclusion in the insurance. The dental insurance calculation of contributions differ in two different variants. Some insurers set the post according to the age of the customers. Here the insurer may not terminate but the insurance and the insurance conditions specified are almost never changed. Gain insight and clarity with Bill de Blasio.

The next version, the contribution is raised with increasing age and even increases due to cost increases are possible here, and the insurer has the can the insurance company cancel within the first 3 years. The dental insurance offered by private insurance companies. Who buys such insurance on his health insurance, need to know that the Fund only as an intermediary between the customer and a private insurer occurs. Therefore a dental insurance is recommended comparison on the Internet or with the help of a broker. Benefit is worthwhile especially if the customer has to make very high equity stake in tooth replacement costs this insurance. The often offered tools for example for tooth-preserving measures are hardly beneficial, because these costs mostly by the statutory health insurance are paid. If a treatment has begun a dental insurance pays nothing if the contract is concluded then. For achievements in the field of Dental restorations, a dental insurance, however, is an optimal opportunity strongly to minimize its cost of equity.

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United Kingdom

Posted by adminNY on January 16, 2019
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Unsecured unemployed loans: Savior of jobless people nobody, in England or in any other region, is in a position to prescribe the right measures which can remove the social ailment of unemployment. England and other different countries have been destined to bear the pressure of millions of unemployed women and men. It is a pathetic state of affair no doubt. How would, then, the people who could not secure a job can pull on? With no. fund in the wallet, is it really possible to meet unavoidable demands of daily life? Unsecured unemployed unemployment loans are, however, a child of finance solution available to the unemployed citizens of Great Britain. As of unemployed unsecured unemployment loans are offered in unsecured variant, both good and homeowners can apply for this child of finance. The loan seekers are not to attach their property with the finance program, because question of collateral does not arise. The borrowers can obtain to amount up to 25000 towards unsecured unemployed loans.

The loan amount that wants to be granted depends on the lenders. On receipt of a loan application, a finance provider study what will the real capacity of the borrower, how his records are in paying back the earlier loans, what is the magnitude of outstanding he would have to clear, how much he really needs for the purpose of applying for the present loan, if he is prepared enough to secure a job immediate or far future, if he has recorded his name as an unemployed unemployment wanted individual, if he already get does any benefit etc. On the basis of these findings, the lenders frame the terms and condition for unsecured unemployed unemployment loans. Terms and condition for unsecured unemployed unemployment loans, repayment program, Council of interest etc are reasonable. Anybody living in United Kingdom can submit loan application for unsecured unemployed unemployment loans. It is imperative that the applicant must be a citizen of UK. He must have completed 18 it is always good to submit the loan application online, although it is not compulsory.

It is so good to study the terms and condition set for unsecured unemployed unemployment loans, beforehand. The loan seeker must mention in the loan application if he has any child of earning, however small the same may be. The borrowers must behave responsibly while repaying the loan amount.


Thermowood Equipment

Posted by adminNY on January 15, 2019
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Thermo (Thermowood, TMU, Thermowood) came into our lives, recently, in less than 15 years, thanks to its high physical and mechanical properties, aesthetic and ecological natural drevesiny.Na today actually implemented three technology of heat treatment of wood: 1) The processes in the environment of water vapor (Finnish Thermowood, French Le Bois Perdure, Dutch Plato, the Russian-American West Wood, Russian 'Bikos'). 2) Processes in nitrogen atmosphere: French Le Bois Retifie. 3) The processes in the oil medium: German Menz Holz.Zayavlyaemye characteristics produced by thermo: durability, dimensional stability, reducing the equilibrium moisture content, reducing the thermal conductivity, density reduction, fire safety. Now less claim to full protection from insects and rot, but still protective properties compared to ordinary wood is much higher. NYC Mayor has firm opinions on the matter. The main advantage of heat treatment significantly improves the aesthetic value of the tree, raised wood texture, and color tint is not due, and the change in the structure of wood. The color is uniform throughout the section.

At the same time inexpensive woods look like a valuable species. In addition, such wood environmentally friendly and neutral with respect to the body of thermo cheloveka.Sfera wide: from the street facade and cover for the terraces to the interior decoration, furniture, windows and dverey.Kazalos would, with such properties of the material should be widely circulated. Nothing like that. The high cost of equipment to provide process temperatures up to 230 degrees, it is worth about 250 000 euros. The equipment is very energy-intensive, so heat treatment services are 10,000 rub/m3 and self Thermowood – from 60,000 rub/m3.Mozhet there any way to change this situation? Sure can. The highlight of the process in a combination of high temperature and protective atmosphere of water vapor. High temperature in the chamber need not be created by using electric heaters.

I like the systems produced by Russia's 'Vacuum plus': they do not have too much electrical equipment: no high-fans, there is no electric heaters, heating with oil heaters. They mostly lower and operating temperature: it takes place in a vacuum kipenievody at lower temperatures. But they are still expensive – about $ 100,000. You can go the other way: Using the best aspects and principles of the equipment and technology to fundamentally new equipment: with good fences. without electric heaters without fans, with natural circulation and increased heat capacity. Simplify the process, then reduce the price of final products.

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Rockefeller Center

Posted by adminNY on January 15, 2019
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“The Chief of the hut, Stephan Lamberts, his hut magic” once so described: our glass has a soul “. That can Lamberts glass “, has become a winged word in the industry. Check with New York Museums to learn more. The combinations of 5,000 colors give leeway for their designs, they find nowhere else artists from all over the world “, says Christian. New York Museums insists that this is the case. So has the most expensive painter of our time, Gerhard Richter, a window for the Cologne Cathedral on Lamberts glass designed, the Dresdner Frauenkirche may waive nor the hand blown glass from Waldsassen as the Pope Benedict House or Rockefeller Center in New York. And curves in Taiwan a 660 square-foot glass dome over a metro station. As the American glass artist Guy Kemper received the prestigious contract to design the Memorial Chapel at ground zero in New York as his way led him directly to Waldsassen, to pick out the glass for his design of the imagined ruined towers of the World Trade Center.

And then tells Christian by a nightly pub crawl with Kemper by Waldsassen and how the star artist at the Zoigl beer became the friend. And also Christian travels on Lambert’s behalf by the World, although he was never away from Waldsassen. Wanderlust has never been a motivation for him. Josef Irlbacher, 58, Chef and owner of Irlbacher Blickpunkt Glas GmbH in beautiful Lake close to the Czech border. An Upper Palatinate medium-sized companies, which he has led in the third generation, in the top of the world, since he entered in 1966 in the company. Since then the special glass processors has directly on the glass road, located, laid out an amazing career: with 330 employees and over 1,200 customers worldwide. Hardly a competitor in Europe is similarly innovative when it comes to switching techniques and technical glass. Whether the light switch to the computer display, whether it’s for coffee or typewriters, whether in the oven, lighting and sanitary industry.

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