April Events Highlights

Posted by adminNY on March 17, 2017

Once a look behind the scenes: the SI Centrum in the character of the musical as every month sees the SI Centrum in April again numerous event highlights for visitors ready. “Get a glimpse behind the scenes of a musical, can indulge in excitement and culinary delights at the killer game or at the u 30 party” fun. The SI Centrum has come up for the month of April again a lot himself, to inspire its visitors. This month is dedicated entirely to the star of the musical dance of the vampires”. “On April 2 will be in the context of the making of” shows how a musical actually is. This is the musical director of TANZ DER VAMPIRE, Klaus Wilhelm, speech and reply. This involves, for example, the creation of the hits of the musical, the characteristics of the stage characters or of the author of the musical work. On several days, visitors can also obtain an insight into the backstage area of the musical.

To do this, you need to to the respective backstage tour for adults or children enroll. The tours are held on a total of 14 days. But the visitors of the SI-Centrum Stuttgart close can look at not only the musical dance of the VAMPIRES. Also for the musical ICH WAR NOCH NIEMALS IN NEW YORK backstage tours are possible. They take place on seven days in April.

A unique event is on Saturday, 9 April”the u 30 fete, which celebrates this time under the motto the spring!” is available. The party takes place on several dance floors. The guests will be the RadioDJ Frank Dan Rusterhof and the party band MusicPool really heated up. The hot rhythms are likely to provide the best atmosphere. The Discofox may be known under the guidance of DJ Volker and rock fans are entertained by Alex Kunz. The great program is accompanied by refreshing cocktails and delicious snacks. Also the popular killer games are again with the game in April. On April 8 and 9, as well as on 30 April the killer game held reunion”as always full accompanied by a 3-course dinner culinary highlights. On April 29 it will be hotel with the killer game criminal”really exciting and tasty at the same time. Who would like to better link food with an exciting film, should rely on the dinner & movie program, which attracts the visitors on the first, second and fourth Friday in April.

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