
Posted by adminNY on July 16, 2016

Exhibitions are organized by different companies – from heavy industry to health facilities and beauty salons. For exhibitions construction of a special exhibition halls, pavilions. As a rule, Each of them settling several spacious rooms, which differ in size and decoration. For all the exhibition halls is extremely important the proper distribution of light and the ability to connect new devices. In addition, requires good distribution of energy sources as well as during the exhibition in one room, spent a lot of energy. Exhibitors will organize their own exhibition stands, informing about the activities of the company – a product or service. The apparent simplicity of the organization of exhibition stands, in fact turns need careful consideration of all the details – Literacy location of booklets, leaflets and other POS-materials in a convenient location for visitors, the proper distribution of light, etc.

All exhibition booths are divided into stationary and mobile. Landlines are cheaper when production, however, if a firm with a certain periodicity presents himself at the exhibitions, it is convenient to use easily transformed mobile stands. For the manufacture of exhibition stands use different materials, including metal for construction, cardboard, glass, various kinds of plastic. Exclusive, custom, exhibition stands can be decorated using expensive materials – leather, special types of wood. The organizing principle stands – modular. Different parts can be interchanged, stitch.

Exhibition stand company may, when appropriate, stand-reception for the meeting visitors, stands for the location of a product or promotional material, display cases, card holders, Brochure. In the event that during the exhibition reveals that some elements are not in place, you can change them location. Metall, from which the following mobile stands, allow to mount banners, including widescreen. The banner can be applied company logo, photographs, text information about the strategy mission for the company and so on. Convenience is that banners can be changed from the exhibition, the exhibition that will allow each time to create a new look. Motion video transmitted from the monitor-mounted metalwork. Presentation by yourself at the show – it’s quite troublesome, however, worthwhile event. Typically, this significantly increases the prestige of the firm, especially if the event has a high status. Term the exhibition ranges from several days to two or three weeks. Associated activities are conferences, symposia. Was represented by new technologies, products, services, and therefore can not participate only to present their products and services, but also to explore offers from our partners and competitors in this field. Proper design of the exposition helps the company to successfully fit into the business environment and express themselves. Participation companies in the exhibition – a step towards the consumer and business partners who will not go unnoticed. Information provided by the company “Expo-World”


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