
Posted by adminNY on August 31, 2018

We live in the age of a historical crisis without precedents. Its severity can be measured by the fact of that we are not front to a cyclical crisis of the more or less extensive capitalism, as the lived ones in the past, but to a structural, deep crisis, of the proper system of the capital. (MSZROS, 2000, P. 7). The capitalism is by its very nature auto-expansivo, not accepting restrictions and bringing pra itself the work and the more-value of the worker, if not imposing limit some about production. It transforms the worker into mere cheap merchandise, where the value of use is lowered by the value of exchange. The capital, as a system of control of the social metabolism could emerge and win on its historical antecedents abandoning all the consideraes to the necessities human beings as on to the limitations of ' ' values of uso' ' you did not quantify, overlapping to these last ones? as prerequisite absolute of its legitimation they will become objective of production acceptable (MSZROS, 2000, P. 8) During more than two centuries of existence of the capitalism this already passed for many crises called super-production crisis, amongst them of the decade of 70, that it desestruturou the bases of the system with the bankruptcy of the State of the Welfare state, depreciation of the dollar unchaining something that if had not seen before it is the crisis of the Structure of the Capitalism, the bases, and not more than a very bigger production that the sales.

Suffering with the crisis from its structures that thought to be solid, the capitalism passes if to mainly reorganize, to rethink its logic for the reestablishment of its dynamics with regard to the wage-earning work, its ideological system and politician of domination. From there from years 90 thinking about this domination politics, I inserted the neoliberalismo that has as characteristic the privatizations, allowing the State becomes more takes for the social control and the capitalism, supporting itself in the private property generating income concentration. The capital in century XX, was forced to answer ace more extensive crises each time (that they had brought I obtain two world-wide wars, before impensveis) accepting ' ' hibridizao? under the form of always an increasing intromission of the state in the partner-economic process of reproduction) (MSZROS, 2000, P. 9). ' ' The structural crisis of the capital is the serious manifestation of the meeting of the system with its proper intrinsic limits ' '


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