Caspar David Friedrich

Posted by adminNY on January 06, 2020

Was at that time a kind of ransom in the frame of 250 000 euros probably been asked. But fortunately, the image could find its way into the right hands back and the popularity of Caspar David Friedrich was enhanced yet once again that even after his death. Because if works like these are stolen, so this is also a sad expression of interest in the works of the artist. This interest is based also the growth of the Caspar-David-Friedrich society, which has steadily expanded her exhibition to the artist. 2004 in the historic village of SOAP centre namely just in the past year immensely expanded. There is one of the most famous sons of the city of Greifswald reminded and documented his work. Here, art lovers can cast in the footsteps of the great painter and in whose work afford an insight. But also the history of reception of works is taken up here.

Because, as is usually the case with the art, the paintings of the same artist traded differently in different eras. So have the romantic works of Caspar David Friedrich their effect over the years unfolded not always exactly so, as is the case at the present time. Because his picture compositions inspire much yearning, often strangely beautiful fills the heart of art lovers in a modern world. Just because many of Caspar David Friedrich paintings represent nature in their fragile romantic and often raw beauty, still have large quantities of prints find their way into households across the nation. The emotional nature can resonate with many dreams and invites you to the big feelings. Introduced by Friedrich transparency painting, with which he his time to a much ahead was to leave unfortunately difficult hold on art prints. Is virtually impossible to get an own and original Caspar David Friedrich. The painting very rarely find their way to the auction and traded as well as the works of many other artists geniuses, for vast sums of money.

Because a work by Caspar David Friedrich means also a Piece of German art history, thus making it a distinctive heritage. And so the artist, who often recognize themselves in the characters of his paintings can be alive so long after his demise in German minds. “” Because painting such as the chalk cliffs on Rugen “or the view of a port” did this man forever immortal. HJo Zickermann

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