Chinas Power

Posted by adminNY on October 06, 2016

“Gerlingen/Nurtingen that in traditional Chinese medicine” (TCM) Tiger claws and-penisse as sexual enhancers are processed, is known to many. “That although German Zoo (if they eat not just their animals as in Erfurt) are involved in this absurd and gruesome practices and their exploited” supply animals to China, only coming to light. “The animal rights organization PETA Germany e.V. is a list, indicating that 51 big cats from 7 of German zoos and Safari parks have been demonstrably delivered to China: the exclusive China export list: 2 Jaguars (Zoo Centrum Frankfurt) 4 Jaguars (Berlin Zoo) 1 Jaguar (Munich Zoo Hellbrunn) 2 Jaguars (Tierpark Aschersleben) 3 Siberian Tiger (animal park Strohen) 5 Siberian Tiger (Zoo Brunswick) 4 Siberian Tiger (Berlin Zoo) 1 Bengaltiger (Berlin Zoo) 29 Bengaltiger (Safaripark Stukenbrock) so far have been required in China” tiger in so bred these tiger farms. By 2010, China wants to under the guise of species conservation than 1000 tiger in narrow farm cages to produce”. But many of the animals are slaughtered according to the TCM.

Tierrechtler Frank Albrecht is sure that even undomesticated cat offspring from German zoological institutions to the tiger farms are delivered and there are the Chinese battle of potency to the victims or as machines for the obsession with power be abused. Irresponsible: Despite overpopulation every year, be in German zoos still big cats bred. A part of the next generation disappears without a trace or is the coffee Mesto of dubious animal dealer”, Frank Albrecht knows after many years of research. PETA Germany e.V. calls for an immediate freeze on export of so-called China, as well as Albrecht wild animals after to ensure that slaughtered animals not for allegedly healing medicine. Chinese tiger farms for the first time do not hit the headlines.

Again and again images of living cows feeding trigger protests, make attacks by Tiger on nurses, accidents involving visitors or broken off Tiger headlines. Or a scandalous famine in some is known as prior short, these farms, because money is missing. Visit for further information on this issue. The report from Munich reported on Monday, August 20, 2007 at 21.45 in the ARD about the dubious trade of German zoos and is also on the fate of the exported Tiger. The world’s largest animal rights organization is PETA Germany e.V. and its sister organizations, with over 1.6 million supporters. Goal of the organization is educating the public and change the way of life to give each animal a better life by uncovering animal cruelty. Press point PETA Germany e.V diesel str. 21 70839 Gerlingen 07156-178-2826 07156-178-2810


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