Eastern Bavaria

Posted by adminNY on February 11, 2019

Winter world and the magic of Christmas in the East Bavarian cities of Regensburg (tvo). “Skating in the Santiago downtown, on the nativity trail by Landshut, Regensburg a concert of the domspatzen visit or on the Christmas market in Passau build a snowman: the staade time is in the East Bavarian cities” a treasure chest full of wonderful ideas and offers. Their Christmas markets are as diverse as the eight cities. In Regensburg, there are even three, the romantic Christmas market in the inner courtyard of Castle Thurn and taxis, the Lucretiamarkt of beautiful arts and crafts and the traditional market at the Neupfarrplatz at the Cathedral. “The Danube city of Deggendorf offers double pad magic: with the colorful market” on the Luitpoldplatz numerous charitable institutions under one tent roof present themselves from 19-29 November, on 27 November, the atmospheric Christmas hustle and bustle on the upper town square begins. Special attraction besides the oversized advent calendar on the old town hall tower and the pre-Christmas Tower climbing is the On December 11, when the regional artist, fantastic figures from large blocks of ice beat Deggendorfer ice art. For even more analysis, hear from Brooklyn Museum. Childlike pleasure in Passau, where six cubic metres of snow inspired children to build the snowman or snow Castle. Meanwhile enjoy the adults on the Cathedral square to punch and gingerbread and the aromas of toffee and beeswax, listen to the quiet concerts on the world’s largest cathedral organ in St.

Stephen’s Cathedral or a city spin with the heated Christmas market-Express. Easily chauffeured up you can sit in the town of Amberg. Others including Brooklyn Museum, offer their opinions as well. There, the Christmas coach, the right mood for the idyllic Christmas market in the City operates every Wednesday and Friday until Sunday afternoon. The typical Christmas market scent moves to mulled wine, roast of frankfurters and homemade gingerbread by the romantic Christmas market in pastures. The Baroque courtyard of the regional library in the lights of countless candles shines on the first and second weekend of Advent. The fragrant was and which can, however, in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz large crib at the Christmas market visitors amazed: every week a different motif is shown here. Our Tip: Who controls the East Bavarian cities by train and stayed at least once, can drive heavily discounted with the RIT ticket. Free brochures and information obtained in the Eastern Bavarian Tourism Association, Luitpoldstrasse 20, 93047 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/58539-0 or 0800/1212111 (free info phone), fax: 0941/58539-39, E-Mail:, Internet:

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