Flickr CC Mataparda

Posted by adminNY on March 20, 2019

Image Flickr CC Mataparda the development of the international fair of tourism in Paris is the perfect occasion for position in the French market. The event, which began Thursday 17th of this month, will strengthen ties with the Gallic companies in the sector. To the capital of France traveled the Councillor of tourism of the municipality of La Oliva (Fuerteventura), Hanna Souweileh, who expressed his confidence that the arrival of French tourists to the town will increase by 20% in the summer season. For this purpose Fuerteventura boasts many tourist offerings, such as luxury, cheap hotels aparthotels hotels, among others. Souweileh considered that the strong commitment being made by the authorities of Fuerteventura on the French market allows to be optimistic with regard to the increase of French travel to the island. The results of February indicate that the arrival of Gallic visitors increased by 56.7%, which represents approximately 5,250 more passengers. Souweileh commented that French is one of the non-traditional feeder markets This increase to our destination.

The Mayor of La Oliva, Rosa Fernandez, said for his part that his Government aims to convert to the locality is a leading town as a tourist destination in the family, relax and sport segments. The President said to be compliant with the dissemination strategy that is carried out in France. Please visit Bill de Blasio if you seek more information. It is noteworthy that the procession of La Oliva in the international fair of tourism in Paris has held several meetings with airlines, travel agencies and tour operators with the intention to strengthen and retain this market. These results have led to many websites aimed at tourism and from booking of France falling over his interest towards the island of Fuerteventura.


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