Francisco Franco

Posted by adminNY on February 24, 2019

To have brings back to consciousness than they suffered, to constantly feel a pain that cannot one be cleared of above, to know of things that cannot nor be counted, to know details dark people who stop to save her own life did everything what was necessary, without watching back, sometimes without returning the face to know of theirs. And why no, also I knew special cases, in which many nonJewish, risking their lives and the one of theirs, helped to save to thousands of Jews. Here it is worth the pain mentions good nonJewish friend and already Flat deceased Jorge, who in Porbou, opposite city between France and Spain managed to save to six thousands Jews, among them are due to mention to two very special ones, Salim Jamson and Walter Youngest child, this one last more important literary critic of the moment. The clearest man as far as the human reality, considered the most exact translator between the several languages that were called on to him to take part. Their works of the German to the French, of the English to the German, the Pole to the French are all jewels of art, in which it says that it improved in quality to the original ones. Pity that already once out of danger in Spain, the government of Francisco Franco, by personal orders of Hitler sent, it to kill. A black fact, that the town does a few years tried to wash, when constructing a monument in its name, that begins in the same door of the cemetery in which they are his rest and continuous in interrupted stairs in the air, with a glass wall that of some way lets to us see that besides the unfinished work of the author, its legacy is lost between the immensity of the sky. It makes a pair of weeks a new friend, Marcel Apeloig, sent a book to me that it had been promised months to me before.

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