Gemological Institute

Posted by adminNY on March 16, 2017

Many people come to my establishment you to advise them (and in some cases to make buy them) on the jewels that have; well because they themselves, had purchased them well because they are jewels of their parents or grandparents. On many occasions I do not know how to say that what they teach me has no value practically, these situations are hard to get in side who intends to sell a jewel by necessity. I will give an example: in early December he called me a person with the intent to sell me a diamond of 6.85 ktes. This diamond came from a family inheritance. He told me the features and asked me by 170 thousand euros. I offered it (always conditioned to that diamond had the quality that she expressed to me) 100 thousand euros. I thought that this was its price, and even though said me that I had an offer of 120 thousand, my offer varie not one iota.

Being that this Ms. was outside of Madrid, came to my establishment within two days of conversation, something that really me strange because she said have a best offer, but things are as they are and we got to work. The diamond was mounted a solo, this made impossible a proper Gemological analysis, because the diamond has always analyze the rimless. I called my engastador so he removed the diamond and to analyze with detail diamond. The diamond was much worse from what she told me. Having said that, and so there is no doubt, I recommended it to certify it in the I.G.E.

(Spanish Gemological Institute), who coincided fully with my Gemological analysis. There the phone asked it if quieria sell it, because apparently there were customers who might bid. Again the next day to my establishment taught me a role of a person saying Gemmologist and that it had priced the diamond in the 170 thousand euros that she asked me in the beginning.

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