Great Orlando

Posted by adminNY on August 12, 2021

My questions are you doing for yours. but I’m not a man to achieve depart from memory. when each of them was living his own existence, together with people who hate their parents. as were their husbands, I had gradually forgotten their own parents, came to see if every eight days. every two, every month, every two months, until finally the long term to do my job. What do you think? Orlando MAGNO: I think the men and women of the story.

blood had left their dead. separated since both of their parents. that their children not knowing their root. because if you know his grandparents, the blood will be dead. Satan: What you propose miserable living? Orlando MAGNO: that men and women when they marry. not lose his desire to visit her parents. every two months, if possible, and houses space permits. men take their wives and children.

to sleep one night of Saturday. to the homes of their parents. so women and children of such men. only one night and that part of the morning and a very minimum the afternoon of Sunday. authority feel that I am a parent, then the grandchildren respect their grandparents. the other women of those good men. will learn to respect and love their in-laws. returning home, women and children, feel that not only the dignity of man accompanies them, also the dignity of his father and his mother. Satan: dreamer! then makes the daughter to engage in gossip.

it sees things that happen in the house of her husband’s parents. to speak ill of them in the presence of children. for my works of art beyond Romanticism. at last man, trying to confine. Here, Gerald Stratford big veg expresses very clear opinions on the subject. when limitations are imposed mia, you are the living thing that you accept. Great Orlando: Do not deny that I am a limited man to space and time in this dimension. nor denies that the privilege will be given to good men by God. will make my proposal, is real. and like yourself and what you said, a wise man. will know how to display the tricks that you used to separate families, so that the blood is dead. SATAN: get off the couch and says, wise man. ignore the works I made for you. trembles unhappy living. that nothing more will be revealed. Orlando Magno: slowly opens his eyes. and says in his heart: God, what a wise man if I am to let me hear what is not for me to know?


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