
Posted by adminNY on February 03, 2019

Beaming fresh bald head, Heron looked to the editor. – Well, finally you become like a man! – Almost lovingly looking at him, said Simon .- Now, I hope you appreciate all the advantages of this hairstyle. – Simon, you've always been and remains my idol. And my solemn duty – and always around you to emulate. – With a little overdone imitation of you. Still, some hair on my head still remained. – I am sure that there is not long survive him, and I'm just a little ahead of the event.

– You're going to rest, – said Simon is less friendly .- What the hell are you here to hang out? – I came to say goodbye to loved ones and friends of the chief before a long separation. – Then consider that we have already said good-bye – Simon growled and buried his head in the paper. In the hallway, surprising everyone with his new hairdo, Geron urged his colleagues to follow suit. He argued that the city was attacked by hordes of lice, and the only way to deal with them – it is to deprive their nutrient! – Well, the spitting image of Simon as a child! – Eddie threw up his hands – you do not accidentally relatives? – The authorities need to flatter – retorted Heron – otherwise you can spend a lifetime in the laboratory! – Yes, really, deeply licked – stated Eddie .- You're just a born climber! – Do not miss the guy too, if our boss is so often makes you such gifts – the journalist said, standing on the table looking at a new camera. .

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