
Posted by adminNY on October 30, 2019

Ufologiafoi one of the most fragile victims of this climate, exactly because it deals with umfenmeno not-human being, but communicated by human beings. With effect, I invite oleitor to see that the incredulity in the Ufologia directly is related or is amesma of atesmo. You may wish to learn more. If so, Danny Meyer is the place to go. It is refused existence of God not properly porqueEle cannot be placed inside of a pipe of assay for the vainglory depfios scientists! Clearly that not! That is only the scientific FAADE dadescrena! What he bothers the atheists exactly and all the deDeus skeptics are not the fact to exist, but yes its ‘ supostos’ commanded, for logic we would have that obedec-LO and make-IT the wills! (it remembers that osmilitares also wanted that we were obedient) This implies that Ele one God-moral, ‘ ‘ wants ‘ impor’ this moral to commanded its Querprivar us of our freedom, our pleasures and escolhas’ ‘. From the summary rejection of the minute Moral deDeus, it can be seen why the skepticism grows done cupim and also the reason dadescrena in phenomenon UFO. He reasons with me as if I was a skeptic: ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ then he is because God noexiste.

If God does not exist, with as much people lying on It, then estamossolitrios in the creation: he must not have no form of life in the space. If noh life is there, then all the Ufologia is false! ' '. ' ' It is seen then that Gods, angels and ETs had been placed nolixo, not for being impossible to exist, but for being insuportveis! ' ' We do not want nobody bisbilhotando nossasvidas and pleasures! If God exists, the ETs must know that It exists, and with it, of some form, if to relate. Then they must be of the side of it. If they are allies, must also be moralistas.

Perhaps if they had not united, are malvolos human comotantos are. Worse: in the two hypotheses, the sumio of them is explained! ' '. Finally, she seems so simplria and piegas estaconcluso of that it is the antipatia to the Moral that creates all the incredulities, that umaconversa of these always irritating and will be predestinold to the failure, as it occurs with Ufologia and the religions. But it stops me it is enough. Not necessary to give to satisfactions the quemno it wants to give to satisfactions the God. My sussurrante cosmic solitude is enough! Prof. JooValente de Miranda).


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