More Than 1000 Companies Videos Online

Posted by adminNY on October 25, 2014

to discover the directory as a trendsetter in creating the individullem video content while the local online market just in the concept is, the importance of video content in-house, the young Eugendorfer company has decided about a year ago to go this route. As online business directory has set itself the ambitious goal, to present 1,000 Austrian small and medium-sized enterprises by means of film reports online in a first step. “Managing Director Klaus Rebernig:” we can already say that we accomplish pioneering work. Where in addition to the logistical feat of strength of course also a special performance is to have developed a business model, which also financed the project.” The Directory serves in this model as the carrier medium. In addition to text-based company portraits and depth information such as Managing Director, shareholder, corporate book and UID numbers, etc., companies now also using film reports will be presented on the online portal. In the Online business directory section, we have set a new standard. A Firmensuch Portal without a wide range of specific video content is actually already a product of yesterday”adds Manfred Gansch, also managing director.

The directory specialist has over 70 employees. A remarkable growth since the start of operations three years ago. The company is one of proud 6,500 active customers. The gastro tip up to the family doctor domestic small – and medium entrepreneurs report by craftsmen on your offers and recipes for success. You can find this on the various Firmensuch portals, where represents the complete directory. Last but not least the note on the own business video may not be missing so much video. created by: Martin Zelewitz


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