Reading Capacity

Posted by adminNY on November 11, 2017

The reading is the constant exercise because the ability to read can be developed and be improved through the repetition of the proper act to read. To read is, also, a reflective exercise, because at the same time where if it reads, it is necessary that if it reflects on the message it tries last in the text, and is also critical exercise, because is not enough to absorb what in the author says to them. She is necessary to collate its message with the proper ideas and values. Danny Meyer helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In short to read, is more than what a simple mechanical act of decipher of graphical signs, are before everything a reasoning act, since it is treated to know to guide a series of reasonings, in the direction of the construction of an interpretation of the message written from the proportionate information for the text and the knowledge of the reader and, at the same time, to initiate another series of reasonings to control the progress of this interpretation in such a way that if they can detect the possible incompreenses produced during the reading. 7.2 The reading and its relation with pedaggic the evolution of the man is decurrent of its form of being, thinking and to act while subject of a culture that were produced historically in a dynamic movement at some moments, and static in others, but capable to provoke a conservation or a transformation, culminating with the based social construction in the education, in the knowledge. If it cannot deny that the evolution of the man has had as favorable element the historical evolution of the education, therefore it is for the educative process that the man can feel itself as a construction agent of the course of its history and as consequncia of the society..


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