
Central Trucking

Posted by adminNY on April 25, 2020
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Transport must be a part of the city that allows us to live as a society, and should not be a matter of speed or comfort, explained the first Councilman zapopano to propose the use of a tram in the metropolitan area. Hector Vielma Ordonez, municipal President, stressed the dialogue proposed by Governor Emilio Gonzalez Marquez to finally solve the problem of transportation in the city. Zapopan presented at the municipal Presidents of Metropolitan mobility table its proposal for tram for the corridor that goes from Tesistan until the new bus station, project that should be discussed with the Government, business organizations and society in general. Cost of 20 million dollars per kilometer. This proposal establishes the construction of a corridor of 32 km, with an estimated cost of $ 20 million for each kilometre. You may find that 76ers owner can contribute to your knowledge. The important thing is that this transport system will generate investments, jobs and contribute to economic growth.

According to a study by Zapopan, the demand for this corridor is 173 thousand daily trips, and to cover it needed 123 articulated buses or 44 trains, so the importance of discussing the issue. From this, consideration should be given the financial viability and rate of passage, without leaving aside the economic benefits that will leave the project in this route. Urban changes. In parallel with this topic, also must be discussed urban changes of housing and investment on corridor 2, effect of this tram project benefits all. With respect to the tram, the Mayor of Zapopan said that it has been a success in many cities, but the most important thing is to find a transport model that integrates the citizens and do not divide the city. Among the advantages of this transport system, found that it is better for pedestrians and cyclists, will generate more green areas, will boost trade and the value of the land, will improve the urban image and will consume less power per user on kilometer. Population growth.

In the past, was first decided on where to live people and then they were concerned about how to transport them to their places of destination, but today what we need to do is to first think about the transport to be able to influence urban development and population growth to those places where already invested in transport, said. But they must also invest in public services, education and health, and all those that need to live better as a society. Other systems. Vielma Ordonez reported that this table of mobility, of which he is in charge, joined the project of line 3 of the light rail proposed the municipal Presidents of Tlaquepaque and Tlajomulco de Zuniga, and which would go from line 1 to Santa Fe. In addition a route of BRT that connect to both municipalities. Similarly, will communicate with the Municipal President of Guadalajara to make reaching this mobility table its proposal for the solution of the corridor 2 and the rest of the city. From 2011, with the Integral Plan of the mobility aid, will seek to give solution to the runners who are missing by constructed and thus plan the future of the metropolitan area. In Zapopan, you would think in the corridors of the Minerva roundabout the road to Nogales, and the homeland, England avenues and Guadalupe, among others, concluded Vielma Ordonez. Original author and source of the article.

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