

Posted by adminNY on June 18, 2019
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The European community gay arrives in mass to the street of the Sin. The celebration begins with the arrival of the king of the Carnival in the Frigate and it extends that, after celebrating the funerals of ” Rey” , it is buried to him in the beach of Them Barques. Between means, two appointments: Sunday 14, the procession of the Disbauxa, with 50 floats and than 3,000 participants more disguised, crossing the center of the town, and Tuesday 16, ” Extermination”. Two cavalcades with seduction in pure state. Santa Cruz de TenerifeEl Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is recognized for many decades like one of the best ones of the world, at the same level that the one of River or the one of Venice, although each has its specific characteristics. In 2010 the official subject will be a tribute to the own carnival, with the title Tenerife, History of a Carnival. One is in this way to touch to the heart of the chicharreros with a sense tribute to the celebration since two important dates are celebrated: the 75 anniversary of the election of the first queen of the history of the Carnival and the golden wedding of the first contest of murgas.

Their disguises are very showy, some of which can arrive 150 kilos even though. Venice (Italy) the Carnival of Venice, whose origins go back to century XI although it would consolidate in the XIII, has personality and own magic and goes beyond the image of the nariguda mask of the doctor of the plague that jams the factories of the city and it scatters by the streets. In its beginnings, the carnival lasted up to three months and was the time at which everything was allowed.
