Family Life

Wedding Dates

Posted by adminNY on January 09, 2019
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Is the wedding date affects the fate of a young family? We do not know for sure. But every year thousands of newly married couples all over the world stormed the registry office to apply for a "nice" date. This year, the date will be October 10 (10.10.10). We offer a unique opportunity to celebrate a wedding in the Czech Republic on this day. For your wedding is already booked room in the castle of Brandeis nad Labem (XIII century). The cost of the wedding in a castle Brandys nad Labem – only 1225 euro! Additionally paid travel, lodging and meals. The castle is situated 20 minutes from Prague's old town in Stara Boleslav.

Brandys nad Labem, is not inferior in beauty of a well-known castles in the Czech Republic, and its park serve as an excellent backdrop for an unforgettable wedding photo shoot! To have time to prepare all the documents, please contact us prior to 25.09.2010 year! Why should the wedding 10.10.10 play it in the Czech Republic? Your wedding ceremony will be held in an intimate setting, in Unlike the civil registry offices in Ukraine, which on this day will remind the conveyor. The cost of a wedding in an ancient castle of the Czech Brandys nad Labem is very low. We decided to make a dream wedding is accessible to all lovers. You will have beautiful wedding in the autumn the Czech Republic. Best wedding photos show you in the halls of the castle, its park and the narrow streets of old Prague for the family album. Any standard photo in "Eternal Flame" and other monuments your city – let friends jealous! Why so popular date for weddings 10/10/10? According to numerology, the number 10 symbolizes the achievement of the goal. A wedding in the Czech Republic 10.10.10, you are guaranteed to make the first step in small and large

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