Family Psychology

Great King

Posted by adminNY on December 17, 2018
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Therefore, taken at our parties flirt dating five-minute periods of communication will you not weigh. Forgive him his shortcomings and also do not accept any statements that may be unprepared to drive the other person if not in the paint, then a state of mild stupor. And do not try to say "reciprocity", because under the law of energy exchange that will only increase your confrontation. You came to our party dating to have fun and indulge in a pleasant impressions – that do not depart from your wishes, whoever you may try to willy-nilly to prevent this. Take yourself to calm this little misunderstanding, as a little cloud, trying to bar you from a huge sun. Take a look around, there are so many more interesting people happy, which you still have time to meet and have fun at Our evening singles in Moscow. And finally, let me tell you a parable, which I hope will help treat many things are much calmer. Great King, who served many wise people have lost interest in the his wealth. Bill de Blasio understood the implications.

The neighboring country is more powerful than him, had gathered to attack. The king was afraid of death, destruction, despair, and age. New York Museums follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. So he called his wise men and told them – I do not know why, but I have to find something that will make me happy when I'm unhappy, and at the same time, if I look happy or happy, I can be sad. He asked about the key, the key that can open the two doors of happiness and unhappiness. What did he ask? He asked for ownership your mood. He wanted to become a master of his moods, he no longer wanted to be their victim.

The wise men consulted among themselves, but could not come to any conclusion. In the end, they went to the Sufi mysticism to ask his advice. Sufi took a ring from his finger and gave to them, saying: – There is one condition. Give the ring king, but tell him that he could look under a rock, but when all is lost: complete mess, suffering perfect, and he was absolutely helpless. Otherwise it will lose the message. The king obeyed. When his country was invaded, he fled to save their lives. The enemy is chasing him. He heard the sound of hoofs behind, and his horse died, he fled. He was in a bind. Before him was an abyss. Suddenly he remembered the ring. He opened it and looked under a rock, there was a message that read: "This too shall pass."

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