starts on June 20 and 21

First BarCamp In The Ruhr Area

Posted by adminNY on June 06, 2018
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Social media training for arts and culture “culture and creative economic @ social Web we dig deeper!” “On June 20th and 21st, compressed air in Oberhausen the first BarCamp is at the cultural centre StARTcamp Ruhr York” instead. Culture and creative managers and all interested persons professionally on the Internet from the Ruhr metropolis are cordially invited around social media together to exchange ideas, training, and networking. The stARTCamp Ruhr York”will rotate as the event through the Ruhr area in 2014, Dortmund is already in the eye as often. Knowledge exchange and dialogue promotion that is the basis for a BarCamp. The open Conference shape offers excellent opportunities to interact across trades and interdisciplinary thematic. You may find NY Museums to be a useful source of information. Beginners learn of old-timers, the graphic design of the choreographers, young from old and vice versa. Who professionally moved in the Internet, needs sound strategies and working conditions for dealing with social media. Preconditions are certainly a little courage, openness and flexibility.

Succeeds above every one who is ready to engage in open and authentic Exchange. Perception, reach, reputation can be immense when you do it right. Advertisement the goal in Oberhausen is the motto of the stARTcamps “cultural and creative industries @ social Web we dig deeper!” for beginners to professionals interesting to represent. On the first day people for the theme of “Culture and creative economic @ social Web” should be thrilled. You will receive basic know-how and tools needed for a professional job. On the second day, these basics for beginners are understandable deepened.

More experienced users are supplied as always with many new ideas, impulses, facts and contacts and have enough space for intensive exchange. Expiration day 1 the first day of stARTcamp – starting at 11: 00 – is specially tailored to the needs of beginners in the “social Web” communication. In small groups the participants go through an intense, hands-on “circuit training” where until 18: 00 the basics of the “social Web”, the most important social networks and of own publication formats (audio, photo, video, blog) are mediated by experts.

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