
The Capital

Posted by adminNY on August 22, 2017
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The limited partners have the choice between a single deposit and a participation of ratierlichen, two Savings plan options. The 31.12.2025 all shareholders can first cancel their participation. Promise a high after tax yield and a rapid flow of capital back-building types of the capital RENDITEMAXX and CLEVER combination. A peculiarity of these two types of participation is the capital repayment option: to the 31.12.2023, the artist can reclaim fifty per cent of the economic value of his initial investment. The classic”Variant RENDITEMAXX particularly suitable for Fund draftsman, seeking immediate dividends with a tabled one-time investment. The forecast annual distribution of initial six percent rises to 7.5 percent over the period. The distributions are made twice a year.

At clever combination the draughtsman as initial deposit brings fifty per cent of the sum of the drawing, which here after an accumulation phase from about 13 years to the full introduction of the share of the company. From the 14 year distributions amounting to 6.375 percent per year are planned, up to the end of the term on 7,375 Percent increase. NY museums is actively involved in the matter. The ratierlichen assets IMMORENTE plus and IMMORENTE are ideal for investors who want to build with less financial burden of monthly rates real estate assets. The accumulation phase is about 14 years, here, the investor will receive 5.75 percent on the capital increases and the credits. From the 15th year of participation, annual distributions of 6.25 percent are forecast over the period rising to 7.25 percent. Through special payments, the liquidity situation of the artist are taken into account and also the time start the cash distributions are brought forward. Involving the silent CLASSIC, the SHB offers a variant for the short to medium-term investment desire. SHB offers distributions of 6.75 per cent per annum for a term of three years.

This 7.5 per cent is for a term of six years. Eight percent are available for a period of nine years. No premium will be charged for the benefit of the investor for the silent participation. After there is a Conversion right in the participation variant RENDITEMAXX. This is the artist on the further positive development of the Fund participating.

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