The God

Posted by adminNY on February 12, 2019

Erasmo Carlos ' ' The value of the Man for its clothes or the goods does not measure that it possesss. The true value of the man is in its character, its ideas and the nobility of its ideais' '. Charles Chaplin DEDICATION To my parents, Jose Estcio Limeira Da Silva and Jar de Souza Pear tree It hisses, that they are main the responsible ones for plus a carried through dream, therefore with its teachings and rules had taught to the importance of the ability, the ethics, the professionalism and, above all, they had shown to me that in the life everything to give certain when we full in them of love, good will and perseverance. i GRATEFULNESS ' ' Everything what you can make or dream you will reach, being thus, hands to obra' '. (Goethe) I dedicate this monograph as form of gratefulness and expression of my perpetual gratitude to they make that me to dream and to believe that it is possible to make the dream to happen.

The God, for having illuminated me in all the moments of my life, giving always good sense to me, humildade and perseverance ahead of the difficulties imposed for the circumstances of the daily one. To my Ctia brothers, Jonathan and Bruna, for the complicity and understanding and, for always believing my capacity to be successful. To my nephews Clear Maria, Bruno and Estcio Grandson, whom with its innocence my life of peace, love and joy full teaching, me that family is, without a doubt some, the better greater and of all the gifts. To my brother-in-law Valter, that with its joy and simplicity has shown me that the life so is not complicated, is we complicates who it. To the Prof. Dr. Joselisa Maria Keys, all guided that me during the course it directed and me in the way of the construction of the knowledge.


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