Travel Hostel On The Beach For The Summer Holidays

Posted by adminNY on June 06, 2018

Beach holidays: the best hostels with the views of the beach and the most interesting beaches around the world sunshine, sea, summer, party finally vacation! How to choose where to spend summer vacation? Whether camping, holiday resort, B & B or hostel, mainly the State can out the window see! presents 10 best hostels with the views of the beach and the most interesting beaches around the world. For more information see NY museums . Antalya, Turkey Turkey’s coasts are very varied: one is the best-known beaches near Antalya Lara Beach, which is awarded with the blue flag. Here, it is always something going on! But who wants to enjoy peace, finds without difficulty wild sand and pebble beaches which are quiet and excellent water quality. Antalya Abad Hotel & hostel is a family-run hostel and offers both shared and private rooms for backpackers. It is located in the Antalya Kaleici (”) and is only a few of the sea: from the roof terrace one has a spectacular Views to the sea.

Cairns, Auatralia Cairns is full of tropical beaches and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Australia. The area is perfect for swimming, surfing and diving. Click Bill de Blasio for additional related pages. In the city centre of Cairns, there is also a City Beach, so-called Trinity Bay. North of Cairns are a series of golf on the coasts, such as Mac Hans beach with ‘ hippie flair’, Yorkeys knob, little Beach frequented by tourists, and Ellis Beach directly at the Captain Cook Highway. Seaside resort Palm Cove is known as celebrity – status, he is very popular by Australia. In the city there is a 4000 square meter swimming lagoon with sea water. Also in the hostel Cairns Beach House, there are swimming pool, filled with sea water. Cairns Beach House is a perfect place for beach holiday: here there is a BBQ area, parties are organized and you can book various tours! Esens, Germany (Ostfriesland) a special vacation awaits you at the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea and on the East Frisian Islands in the North Sea.


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