Albert Einstein

Posted by adminNY on September 21, 2017

The theory of Gardner enables we professors in different ways to act. On the basis of the theories of Gardner we obtain to evaluate some points of intelligences, colon not only charged for the society, that are the linguistics and the logic. The used methodology was exploratria research with active search in quantities of periodic of Bireme with the words the keys: theory; intelligence; Gardner. Words – key: multiple; intelligence; Gardner INTRODUCTION In France in century XX, was created by pedagogo and psychologist Alfredo Binet, an instrument that could test abilities of the children of the first series.

This instrument gave origin to the first test of intelligence to evaluate the children in the verbal and logical areas, (1,2) opening doors for the current test of QI (Intellectual Quotient) .(2) In 1985 basing if in this theory the American North Dr. Gardner, psychologist of the University of Harvard, questioned the traditional vision of intelligence, where he predominated the linguistic and mathematical abilities. Gardner did not believe that the individual was capable to only develop colon intelectuais.(2) After many years of research on intelligence human being, Gardner concluded that the brain of the man possessed seven types of intelligences, however the majority of the people develops one or two. (1,2,3) This sample because an individual that has abilities in calculations, can not have much ability with artistic expression. According to Gardner, it is rare the individual that possesss diverse intellectual abilities On the basis of desenvolvidas.(3) the theory of Gardner (1), we can cite Albert Einstein as one of the rare cases of genius, that was an excellent physicist, mathematician, teorista and inventor. On the other hand, Gardner also affirms that the cases of people are rare who do not possess no ability intellectual, however can desenvoler one or two abilities.


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