

Posted by adminNY on December 04, 2018
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To understand a man is to find out and what he needs. Need praise – one of the most common, and besides, it grows to meet and never satisfied. It should be constantly, fervently, convincing evidence of the man that only he alone, unique and inimitable can anything he wants, because there is king and god. And he generously repay you, if not the achievement, then affection. He wants only what you want to Women do not use sarcasm, ironic tone! Criticism succeeds only in the context of constantly growing acceptance: accept his advantage and services in advance, give him advances on minor charges of pride, praised for what he did (but, of course, will do) – and everything will be okay, he will fully meet your expectations Signs of extreme disapproval – recriminations, tears, tantrums, etc. – Can be used only in emergency Terms and formalized way to demonstrate feminine weakness. Be gentle to the man, call him diminutive 'Kitten', 'Fish', 'Sokolik', etc. And now the woman has a unique opportunity – establish the needs of their 'real' men: – "This man knows how to make money (take care of your family, your parents, your children)," – "A real man drives a good car," – "A real man loves children (parents) and takes care of them "-" This man should be "sexually giant" that is, he must have the potency of 24 hours a day (that is, figuratively speaking, and wash your shoes and brush your teeth in a state of erection) .

We will not now discuss the images of the "male heroes" who in every age is different, not always similar and bringing "common denominator" – the standard of "ideal" man. Woman "ideal" male only on a tv screen in the usual life should be quite different. Man strives to be great, tends to be, but not all do it. Those who fail, are beginning to themselves as "great" imagine, as a rule, completely from scratch. So trigger protective mechanisms of the psyche. He's trying to seem "great and mighty" or "great and terrible", instead of actually be. A dream is wonderful.

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